Stealing the country apparently isn’t a “big issue” for Kiwis.

‘Prime Minister John Key has put National’s good result in a new poll down to New Zealanders’ focus on the “big issues”.
A One News Colmar Brunton poll released yesterday showed support for National was at 51 per cent, up 1 percentage point since the last poll before the general election last November…’

Kiwis are beyond help. Socialist indoctrination has done it’s job.

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33 Responses to Stealing the country apparently isn’t a “big issue” for Kiwis.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    All the advantages of a one-party state at play.

  2. Ciaron says:

    When I first looked at John Key when he was opposition finance, I saw someone who had made it. Someone who had made the most of every opportunity life had given him, someone who was at ease with himself and comported himself as an ordinary kiwi. Someone who was not a career politician, someone who had fresh ideas and the ability balls to take a calculated risk.

    8 years later all I see is a bloody obvious combover.

  3. Tom says:

    Kiwis are between a rock and a hard place here. If we have Labour in power we then have the Green nutters waging the dogs tail.The new Conservative party didnt do to well at the last election ,unfortunatly,so we are stuck with these assholes.Maybe we will all wake up one day after its too late.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The Conservative Party did amazingly fucking well. From nowhere to 55,000 votes in less than 6 months? They lost a large number of votes to that psychotic cult ofpersonality Winston, and if Key had done the right thing and given them an Epsom in Rodney they would have been a strong support partner for National in the same way ACT used to be, but with a conscience.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        In fact, the massive bleed of votes to Winston and the Conservatives should have been a massive wake up call for Key to stop cuddling up to race-baiting terrorists and watermelons, but he’s too fucking stupid to even see it. He’s in grave danger of giving the whole box and dice away to the coalition of communists in 2014.

      • Tom says:

        Bad choice of words there on my part,they did do well,unfortunate that they got no seat.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    I think this poll, from anyone’s perspective is irrelevant. The minimal % changes are not worth recording given their size and the eons until the next election. John Key is a populist rather than a principled leader. Unfortunately it is the populist who wins elections through bribing the voters…with their own money! All political parties do much the same.

  5. mara says:

    Ciaron … “8 years later all I see is a bloody obvious combover.” :wtf . I can, and have, forgiven men many crimes over the years but having a combover is a step too bloody far! Second only to men wearing road-kill on their heads. Hadn’t noticed Key doing this myself; it’s a terrible accusation so, in fairness, I’ll have another look before sending him to eternal damnation.

    • Darin says:

      But what about Daniel Boone?He wears roadkill,but he brings it and gets it done! :rant :mrgreen:

    • Ciaron says:

      Yesterday, I saw a snip from Key’s Q&A interview.
      Gone was the dynamic, engaging, fresh man.
      In his place, was a man so boring and bland, the only attribute that held my attention was estimating how much hairspray was required to keep his hair in position.

  6. KG says:

    “Second only to men wearing road-kill on their heads”
    Wabbit just bought a new Akubra–does that count?

  7. octagongrappler says:

    John Kee wants huawei to run the NZ broadband network. He also says that he wants a generation of Kiwis to be fluent in mandarin, Like spooner his diversity advisor.. :popcorn

    • dondiego says:

      Is that the name of the company? I skimmed workmates Press the other week- saw Australia wouldn’t deal with the Chinese company out of security concerns. Roll out your broadbrand! Run it past communist China!

  8. Scumsucker says:!

    A good laugh at the expense of global warming/climate change/Armageddon loons.

  9. mara says:

    KG . Akubras are good. I bought the old chap a new one for his birthday but he has had a few comments from Kiwis who love to hate Aussies. I have a brother who scarpered off to Aust. about 30 years ago and went bush, IMO troppo. We have not spoken in many years. Recently I answered my old mum’s phone, heard this sleazy, overfamiliar, accented voice calling me darling and thought it was a double-glazing salesman so called him 3 shades of bastard and hung up the phone. Yeah, it was the brother phoning mum to say happy birthday. Easy mistake to make. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: classic! :lol:
      (and I need to put the new hat on the ground and jump up and down on it a bit to make it respectable)

  10. Scumsucker says:

    I’ve seen folks – mostly males – go troppo.

    Not a pretty experience. Typical symptoms include depression, violence and compulsive obsessive disorders.

  11. mara says:

    Scumsucker, sorry, suck it up. Life sucks, always has. Humour isn’t a bad antidote though. Is it?

  12. KG says:

    hmmm…I think Scummy’s just diagonsed me as full-blown troppo… :sad:

    • Cadwallader says:

      I think it shows me in a great light…well and truly troppo in Palmerston North/Perth!

  13. Cadwallader says:

    Completely and unabashedly off thread:
    There are rumours in NZ that power consumption actually increased during “earth-hour” last Saturday. I hope the rumours are true as it graphically displays the disdain with which thinking people regard climate fraud. Maybe next year the stupidity will have disappeared altogether?

    • KG says:

      Andrew Bolt or Tim Blair published the consumption graphs for Oz, Cad and they certainly don’t show any spike during that hour. The stories about a “billion’ turning off are just horse shit.

  14. KG says:

    Here ya go:
    When will The Age and Sydney Morning Herald admit that Earth Hour, which their company part-owns (as Boy on a Bike revealed, but Fairfax journalists don’t disclose), is a total futile gesture that makes almost zero practical difference? Or is their corporate involvement compromising its coverage? Is that why graphics such as these are not run in Fairfax newspapers?

  15. WAKE UP says:

    Gantt said : “…if Key had done the right thing and given them an Epsom in Rodney they would have been a strong support partner for National in the same way ACT used to be, but with a conscience.”

    Instead, he gave us Banks in Epsom, which he should NOT have done. You can’t have it both ways Gantty. :???:

  16. WAKE UP says:

    Gantt also said : “…They lost a large number of votes to that psychotic cult of personality Winston “.

    I’ve been following Winston’s trajectory since NZ First (which had some good policies) was formed, and am part of a large group of people who knew he had a lock on the election long before “teapot-gate”. Never mind how we knew; my advice is to accept that he has a constituency, acknowledge its existence (it’s mostly decent older folk with, interestingly, a smattering of younger ones) and not let that distract you from bigger issues. Leave throwing words like “psychotic” around to our juvenile media.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      OK maybe psychotic was the wrong word. How about thieving, Mendacious, arrogant, scumbag?

      And yes, a lot of people who voted for Winston are decent folk, and mostly older. But the majority of those give Winston their vote because (a) they’re “his” people, and (b) he gave them a Gold Card. What they don’t understand is they voted for someone who
      (a) took $158,000 in donations which he not only did not declare, he lied about receiving and then refused to pay back, and
      (b) brought Andrew Williams, the Clown of Campbell’s Bay, the Fertilising Mayor, into the Parliament.

      He single-handedly turns the Parliament into a circus (and would do so e en if all the other circus freaks weren’t there).

  17. WAKE UP says:

    Scumsucker said: “I’ve seen folks – mostly males – go troppo.”

    I’ve seen women go troppo without going anywhere near the tropics, mate :razz: