Just when you thought the creep couldn’t get any more arrogant:

‘President Obama warns ‘unelected’ Supreme Court against striking down health care law’         source

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10 Responses to Just when you thought the creep couldn’t get any more arrogant:

  1. GW says:

    It’s not the arrogance, its the intellectual dishonesty and cynicism that truly mark his statement. He gave Americans a completely false picture of the law and the role of the Supreme Court. He is appealing to the vast majority of Americans with no knowledge of the law, and he does so with such falsehoods that it would make Goebbels proud. And that is in addition to putting the Court on notice that it will be attacked if they don’t rule his way. It is outrageous. FWIW, here is the laundry list. http://wolfhowling.blogspot.com/2012/04/can-obama-be-any-more-cynical.html

  2. Diamond Mair says:

    “…….overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,”

    the vast majority of who’s constituencies DID NOT WANT ØbamaCare ……………………………… :rant

    Semper Fi’

  3. Scumsucker says:

    As Borat once stated “it’s like letting a monkey fly a 747…very dangerous”.

  4. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    He got a pretty smart smack down from some Appellate Court judges the next day.


    No wonder the Black Arsed Jackass never wrote one word when he was so called editor of the Harvard (was it?) Law Journal (or whatever it was.) :roll:

  5. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    I’ve been reading John Hinderaker’s posts at Powerline now for over five years and I have admired his understated use of language and restraint.

    NEVER, EVER have I seen him use such strong language as this:-

    “One could be charitable and say that Barack Obama is a bullshitter who makes stuff up whenever he is in a tough spot, or one could say that he is a habitual liar. Take your pick.”

  6. Darin says:

    OT: Dallas,Tx area was hit by a Tornado today.Video of a truck terminal being hit,no fatalities so far.


  7. Ronbo says:

    It would appear our American grand&glorious fearless leader and Magic Negro has studied Adolf Hitler and the technique of the Big Lie – As Hitler explained in “My Struggle” – everyone tells small “white” falsehoods – for instance, telling your wife she looks good in the morning just after waking up – however, tell a Big Lie and back it up with endless broadcast by a willing media – for instance, that the Jews stabbed the German Army in the back and are thus responsible for defeat in WW I – and the majority will believe you.

    I know the common view of Obama by the Patriot Right is that he’s stupid Leftist and blunders into disaster after disaster due to ignorance, but the truth could be that he is a national socialist evil genius like Hitler who could give a rat’s ass about what the opposition thinks about his rule or what the constitution of our republic says he should do.

    Never forget that Hitler came to power in the German Republic by using techniques and propaganda that Obama is using today in America.

    Did I mention that Obama is already the de facto dictator of the USA and rules by decree, a lackey federal bureaucracy and unelected “Czars”?

    Rule by decree when he became Chancellor in 1933 was Hitler’s road to absolute power.


    • Pascal says:

      Ronbo, There are people who’ll try to shut you up with that stupid Godwin rule. Don’t let them. They are truly don’t bother me with the facts know-nothings. Just ignore them and shove them out of the way in whatever way you can. It’s people like that who will make my grandfather’s prediction dead-on accurate.

      In the 1950s before I was a teen, I recall grandpa reading of some new outrages in the newspaper, throw it down, and snarl something such as “The American public is so stupid that should a dictator come to power here he’d make Hitler look tame.’

      And that was before public education had gotten as bad as it is today. The schools were still teaching history that was somewhat true and relevant.

  8. Findalis says:

    So much for the expert on the Constitution. I guess he forgot everything about Marbury v. Madison.