It’s the Queensland Way:

They’ve only been in power a few weeks, but this lot look set to get Queensland back on track after the Blight years:
‘THE state government has approved two mining-related projects and advanced aims for new dam in central Queensland.’
‘SCRAPPING real estate red tape’
and this
Added to the $500m+ for lunatic “green” initiatives already cancelled , it’s looking promising…

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11 Responses to It’s the Queensland Way:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Heh “…back on track after the Blight years…”

    Freudian, but accurate!

  2. KG says:

    :shock: ‘Twas deliberate!

  3. KG says:

    Sigh…my one moment of inspiration, and no credit. :cry:
    I give you my word, it was deliberate.

  4. Darin says:

    Good!What’s next on the agenda?Concealed carry permits? :twisted:

  5. KG says:

    I wish!

  6. A taste of what NZ might be like if the Conservative party was to get a few cabinet positions?

    Probably not, the Nats would still fund eco-loon schemes.

    • KG says:

      What’s needed is what happened here, PFZ–a wave of revulsion, to sweep Key from power and install a leader and a party which believes in at least some conservative principles.
      Can’t see it happening, because the Kiwi instinct nowadays is to look to the government for the solution to problems and for a handout. Not that Aussies lack their share of those types, but they also punish dishonesty far more readily.

  7. Darin says:

    A bit of good news here too,there seems to be more oil under our feet than the deluded granola munching hippie tree huggers thought,I’m shocked :roll: :shock: