The “diversity dividend” in action:

A JUDGE has today rejected an Afghan refugee’s claim that he raped an intoxicated and vulnerable teenager because of cultural differences.
Esmatullah Sharifi, 30, was appearing in the County Court for the second time in less than three years on a charge of rape and Judge Mark Dean said his background as a traumatised Muslim refugee was no excuse…’
Any of the moronic “refugee advocate” bleeding hearts care to comment on this? Or offer their apologies to the victims? Boatloads more of these fucking (literally) animals are arriving on our shores since Gillard’s gang seized power.

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23 Responses to The “diversity dividend” in action:

  1. oswald bastable says:

    “raped an intoxicated and vulnerable teenager”

    A theme I saw often working in NZ prisons- Ten years ago, before the colonization really go under way…

  2. kowtow says:

    Germany waking up to the undoubted benefits of immigration and diversity. I suspect because it’s a “womans issue” another favourite of the left.,1518,826648,00.html

  3. octagongrappler says:

    We need to show tolerance and understanding on this issue? :gunner

    • KG says:

      Sure. :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner :gunner

      • Darin says:

        We have article after article like this and yet there are literaly hoards of liberal leftist women in the west who either turn a blind eye to it or actively support it. :roll

        • KG says:

          Which is a genuine mystery, Darin. :?: :?: :?: :?:

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            Can you imagine the mental gymnastics the liberals have to go through when deciding whether to support one of their pet causes over another? Pity the bastards don’t all sprain something!

            • Darin says:

              It’s mental masturbation,they do it for the momentary release of endorphins that brings a ray or two of joy into their otherwise miserable lives.
              They have a need to feel superior even if they don’t really believe their own BS.

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Its starting to reach critical mass here in Auckland, even though there is a recession on the last 3 years there has been a massive influx of imports.

    Im stunned how sandringham has become the mecca of the south pacific :gunner

    Both Aus/Nz governments should come clean and say we wont to wipe out the majority euro culture, I would respect them more so we can all lay our cards on the table and fight this out..

    • KG says:

      “Both Aus/Nz governments should come clean and say we wont to wipe out the majority euro culture..”
      They’ll never do that, Grappler. What we have here is a worldwide plan to wipe out Anglo-Saxon culture.

  5. I have noticed a sharp increase in the number of muslims in Auckland and Hamilton.
    Ten years ago you hardly ever saw any, but you will often see burkas in both cities now.

  6. I wonder if our daughters too will get the same diversity dividend as experienced by young girls in the UK, or gay guys the same diversity dividend as enjoyed in the Netherlands and London’s Tower Hamlets?

    • KG says:

      It’s inevitable, Fairfacts. No wondering necessary.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      From the Independent article quoted in your link:

      “Amid rumors swirling around the town are fears that elements of the far right might be preparing to exploit the tensions. Already there have been calls to ban an English Defence League march due to take place in the nearby town of Hyde following an alleged attack on a white teenager by Asian youths earlier this month.

      Deafening fucking dog whistle, as per. The “authorities” aren’t controlling the savages, so let’s attack the group that’s pointing OT that the authorities aren’t controlling the savages.

      • KG says:

        Kafka-esque, isn’t it? I just pray that one day the bastards responsible will reap just consequences for their actions. Having one in the crosshairs would be to let the c**t off too easily.

  7. KG says:

    We are looking at the last days of the culture we grew up with, and I can see nothing on the horizon that will arrest the process.

  8. octagongrappler says:

    Im gutted how the legacy and culture of my grandparents have been forgotton and wiped out in just 20 years :gunner

    It makes me sick that spoonley and co have orgasims at the thought of it…

    • KG says:

      I pray that one day Spoonley and co will be dangling from the end of a rope, feeding the crows.

  9. ZenTiger says:

    Another good case for the death penalty. And due to “cultural differences” I’m talking about the rapist, not the victim.

    • KG says:

      I wonder if he’ll be deported after serving the sentence, Zen? Somehow, I think not….

      • The Gantt Guy says:


        Oh, you’re serious. Of course he won’t be deported, for that would breach his human rights! Of course, to qualify for human right one must first be human, which this piece of excrement is clearly not.

    • Moneo says:

      Hear, Hear!

  10. Findalis says:

    This one didn’t get off because of this bs. If this is a trend then you have a chance to reverse the damage. If it is just a hiccup, then you are lost.