White anglo Kiwis will shortly be second-class citizens.

John Ansell has a post up. It’s a long read, but very illuminating.

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8 Responses to White anglo Kiwis will shortly be second-class citizens.

  1. octagongrappler says:

    Well lets hope so as spooner would say…………

  2. Findalis says:

    And then they will leave the place. I wonder where they will go, but as an American I would gladly love to have such hard-working, G-d fearing people in my country.

    Please come soon. :cheers

    • KG says:

      Findalis, there are a hell of a lot of us who would move to America tomorrow, but it seems that America-hating scumbags are more welcome there than we are. (More obstacles are placed in our way by your immigration service.)

  3. What do you mean will be?

    The people with 20% odd maori blood, who are the “maoris” are rorting those with 0% – 5% maori blood (or are from Asia/Africa, etc) – the “whites”.

    “Whites” are already discriminated against by treaty payouts (“white” taxpayers being forced to hand over money to “maori” taxpayers) and “white” kids missing out on jobs/placements to “maori” kids due to “affirmative action”.

    I have 0.8% maori blood. I’ll be damned before I take a cent or agree to the treaty resolution process. I’ll also be damned if I ever cry about the discrimination directed towards the 99.2% of me that’s “white” today (or let my future kids do so).

    The whole subject is pathetic, racist and repulsive.

  4. KG says:

    “The whole subject is pathetic, racist and repulsive.”
    The subject itself is none of those things. And it needs to be discussed openly and honestly.

  5. KG says:

    Oh! Thanks for clearing that up, PFZ. :smile: