Maori scum

This is NOT unusual in New Zealand:
‘Wellington residents are fleeing their state homes complaining of heavying by gangsters, including that of Black Power members who wiped their noses on a young boy for wearing the wrong colour.
Occupants of the Housing New Zealand flats in Newtown’s Coromandel St have told of unsavoury and violent acts by a group of men living at one of the properties.
The incidents include attempted extortion, intimidation and blood being smeared inside someone’s home.
None of the residents would be named, because they feared retribution.
They said a woman and her two children had moved into the flats about a year ago but were soon joined by several gang members.
One resident said she was moving out of her flat yesterday with her young daughter after constant abuse, including threatening notes that were pinned to her door demanding money…’
And still an utterly ineffectual “softly softly” approach by the police towards these bastards. They can act tough enough if you’re caught driving over the speed limit, though…

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20 Responses to Maori scum

  1. Moist von Lipwig says:

    Housing NZ Wellington regional tenancy services manager Jackie Pivac
    “We understand that people are feeling unsafe, which is of great concern to us, and we will be taking swift action to find alternative housing for those people.”
    It pricks like Ms Pivac that are dooming this country :evil:
    Has it not occurred to her what surrendering the ghetto to the gangs might bring?
    Or is that what she wants?

  2. I’ve always thought a good policy would be to pass a law stating that if you are ever arrested wearing a gang patch you are ineligible for the dole for life…

    • Sir Scumsucker says:


      Now come up with a plan to attach a pair of testicles onto the Gnational Party and shake a brain into the electorate.

  3. Kane says:

    I’d be moving out too. Why subject a child to such awful people. But, why do the police not act and kick out these deadbeats. So, criminals are more important than children!!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      (1) they’re the protected species, and
      (2) the coppers are afraid of them.

      • Kris K says:

        … and don’t forget (3) the Mongrel Mob is a MAORI gang.

        You can bet you’re last dollar if these were some white supremacist gang members the response would be entirely different.

  4. mara says:

    The bureaucratic machine will slowly creak into action and begin consultation with the public -tit lawyers of the allegedly accused, much misunderstood, marginalised, racially offended and unfairly societally outcast victims, aka, the gang. As it should. By this time next year, at great public cost, expect to see these poor victims, and their LITTLE KIDDIES ejected onto the cold street by a callous, racist POLICE STATE. My heart is breaking in advance.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yup. Exactly. Remember the bleeding-heart treatment those Mongrel Mob mols in Roto-virus Rotovegas got from the daily rags when Housing NZ tried to kick them out after their multiple gangbanger males terrorized the neighbors? Expect a repeat here.

  5. jon says:

    If any of the tenants were real men they would get together and go burn the bastards out. Not whine to people who have no interest in protecting them. They are probably bludging solo bennies themselves so I wouldn’t give too much of a hoot.

  6. nigel201065 says:

    No Jon, I f there were any real men they would of taken the little cu*ts out the back and beaten the shit out of them :censor

  7. octagongrappler says:

    Its getting to a point when an invisible empire may be in order :mrgreen:

    Im not suggesting sheets but its getting so bad, don’t be surprised if things get HOT :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      I reckon Kiwis are too cowed, too apathetic or too brainwashed for it to come to that, Grappler.

  8. mara says:

    We know the remedy. Why is it not being applied? Too hard, it requires a revolution and the sheeples aren’t quite ready.

    • KG says:

      I think they’re nowhere near ready, Mara. And won’t be, until necessity forces them.

      • octagongrappler says:

        Until that time comes, Mouldy are the true untouchables of NZ :rant

        • KG says:

          Yep. A protected species. Might as well protect plague-carrying rats…..

  9. Brian Smaller says:

    The problem goes back to Muldoon “engaging” with thegangs. It mainstreamed them. Now they are treated as legitimate entities that have to be dealt with in a civil manner.

    • KG says:

      Too true, Brian. I seem to recall he gave them taxpayer’s money in order for them to set up “businesses”.
      Didn’t that work out well…