This afternoon at the rodeo

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21 Responses to This afternoon at the rodeo

  1. Andrei says:

    Cowboy 0, Calf 1.

  2. KG says:

    Yep. It was a pretty spectacular fail, Andrei. Mind you, everything happens much faster than I’d have expected.

  3. KG says:

    The cowgirls were um….interesting. :grin: Akubras, blue jeans and R.M. Williams boots. :censor

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I recall a track from the first Southern’s Serenade that might well apply.

      The video he linked was different, but this is definitely the track…

      Where is Mr Southern, BTW? Anyone heard from him? Or did Harvard get him dragged off in some form of Extraordinary Rendition?

      • KG says:

        Dunno, Gantt. I haven’t heard from him in ages, and no reply to my mails. We’re getting a little bothered, considering the circumstances. :sad:

  4. Andrei says:

    I love rodeo

    You can’t get a more manly sport than bull riding.

    Should be in the Olympics – they could get rid of synchronized swimming to make way for it

    • KG says:

      It’s almost another world, or another age, isn’t it? And the people are very, very different to the city inhabitants.

      • Darin says:

        Yup,around here the city folk have air conditioned horse trailers,$70,000 tricked out diesel pickups and freshly pressed tablecloth plaid shirts :mrgreen:

        BTW-You’ve got mail!

  5. Katie says:

    PETA will be on their asses for this. Plus the government will destroy these rodeos because:

    1. They are violent to the calves.
    2. Dangerous to the riders.
    3. There are actual winners.

  6. mara says:

    Katie, these events will be part of history soon because people are waking up to the reality that making animals suffer just for our entertainment is not that clever. Yes I eat cows but get no pleasure from watching humans “play” with them as if it were an equal process. It is not. I respect people who use their brain to be humane to the other animals. Anything born will die … but must other animals be cruelly used while they live? And yes I can google like you.

  7. mara says:

    Katie, OK take off the last comment about googling. That was not required, but everything else remains. It is possible to be conservative and still have animal welfare in mind. And I do. People vary so much in culpability and complicity… its always in question but how do other animals consent? They do not of course. We are in charge.

  8. KG says:

    One for you, Mara. A very touching story. :smile:
    Meet Sergeant Rex

  9. mara says:

    KG I didn’t read this right through ya basta.. :roll I don’t like to sob off the mascara and the fake lashes. Your point is not clear however and I hold my line.

    • KG says:

      :shock: No ‘point’ at all, Mara–I loved the story, which is why I said it was very touching.
      We’ve been owned by a few Shepherds, and they’re wonderful companions. :smile:

  10. mara says:

    KG show off!! German shepherds. How did you know that our little dog was tiny, woolly and as stupid as a bale of hay.On a good day. :mrgreen:

  11. KG says:

    :lol: I’m no fan of little dogs, Mara. But some of the little terriers are pretty bright, non?
    I’ve found the big dogs like shepherds and mastiffs to be gentler and less bloody neurotic. A dog that barks for no reason is a pain in the butt and I can’t for the life of me work out why anybody would have one.

  12. mara says:

    I expect this is boring for non dog owners but the benefit of small dogs is that they do not slobber copiously and they do not take up too much space in the bed, especially in winter when it is too cold for them to be on the floor. The old fella and I hardly notice the little dog snuck up against our bums in the night. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  13. tell Gecko that I love her new site-just am not sure how to comment-

  14. KG says:

    Don’t you see the comments box when you go in there, Carol?

    • Gecko says:

      Thank you Carol :) If you click on one of the pics, the comment section should appear on the right hand side. If it doesn’t let me know and we’ll get it sorted.