To vote..or not to vote.

Brit local elections:
‘..a silent, withering rebellion against the political elites of this country..
….There’s nothing peculiar about the majority’s refusal to vote. It’s perfectly logical. At a time when the political class is fantastically disconnected from everyday people, when mainstream political debate has been almost wholly colonised by suits and PR people and media darlings, it makes sense for people to deduce: “This has nothing to do with me.”
Is it so different, here in Australia and in New Zealand? Recent history has shown us that the totalitarian infections of Britain and Europe inevitably spread to our part of the world. As Europe goes, so will we.

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23 Responses to To vote..or not to vote.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    I like this from the comments:

    “If 68% of people didn’t vote yesterday, that’s an awful lot of people waiting for someone to come along worth voting for”

    How sad. How true.

  2. octagongrappler says:

    This just proves that democracy is a farce. Look at NZ? The major parties, well all parties control NZ and handpick there own henchmen.

    Look at the greens, Julie Ann Genter immigrated to NZ from America in 2007. and is in Parliment only 5 years after being here. Thats Pathetic, that shows its just a farce and that voting changes nothing as we have no control over the parties and how they operate.

    How would someone have any feelings or knowledge about kiwi culture,past and present??

    Its like a kingdom, Young labour are selected from universities and end up inheriting positions in govt… :rant

    • KG says:

      “Its like a kingdom, Young labour are selected from universities and end up inheriting positions in govt…”
      Yes, exactly. And that’s the point Breivik was making.

      • Sir Scumsucker says:

        GOD bless Breivik.

      • octagongrappler says:


        I find it so strange that labour’s entire caucus are all University graduates, No Tradies or Blue collar anything?

        I thought they stood for “diversity”.. Or is having 30 different ethnic colors of PHD Diversity??

        So an elite political class like a kingdom, yet they despise the Monarchy when there system is built on a similar idea but for one small thing.

        The Monarchy does not make decisions for me, but these jerks do!! :rant

        • Sir Scumsucker says:

          Let me explain the meaning of ‘diversity’.

          Diversity is a room with a homo Marxist Maori, a homo Marxist American, a homo Marxist German, a homo Marxist Jamaican, a homo Marxist Peruvian, a homo Marxist Australian and a homo Marxist Eskimo.

          i.e. most Western campuses!

      • Kris K says:

        And I bet for many of them the indoctrination starts much earlier than university.

        “Give me a boy until he is seven and I will show you the man”.

        Why else do we have a socialised/socialist education system?!

        Like you said, KG, I think Breivik was on to something.

  3. “As Europe goes, so will we.”

    That’s what scares me, I know it’s not all of us, many of us are in fact well aware of what’s happening in Europe. But there is a sizable portion who want to bring the same socialist, multi-cultural shit that destroys Europe out here.

    • KG says:

      It sure saddens me, RWT. But then I’m old, and I won’t have to endure that crap for very long. But if I had small children I’d be deeply worried for their futures.

      • Sir Scumsucker says:

        Crikey. My son is 9.

        • KG says:

          Are you worried about the kind of world he’ll inherit, Scummy?

          • octagongrappler says:

            Well Im close to middle age and have no children so Im thinking i wont bother :cheers

            Plus no conservative single women about :mrgreen:

            • KG says:

              You need to come out this way, Grappler. Most of the women around these parts are conservative. :grin:

          • Sir Scumsucker says:

            I am sad that his generation will be poorer than my generation. I am angry he is becoming a second-class citizen in his country of birth. We used to laugh at Chowick. Now we talk about Chilford and Chakapuna and we aren’t laughing. (Fortunately my son is well provided for financially).

            • Sir Scumsucker says:

              Be careful what you laugh at.

              • KG says:

                Yes indeed. Today’s satire is tomorrow’s reality. :sad:

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                Interestingly, Sir Scummy, many members of my family are moving farther and farther out in an attempt to retain the lifestyle we once knew. Many of mine have gone to Whangaparaoa, which is now merely a satellite suburb well serviced by public transport, rather than the holiday destination it was when I lived there.

                • octagongrappler says:


                  White flight is taking place big time.

                  Immigrants won’t go out of the cities!!

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  Good to know. My bro is still in Chowick (thinking about moving back to the Shire), Mum is in G-Field, but all my in-laws and family have moved to Whangaparaoa. We will live there too when we move home.

            • octagongrappler says:

              Thats right Im lucky and so are my friends that we had parent swho did very well financially, But every area is an ethnic precinct and soon no whitie will get a job?