A massive betrayal of the people of Europe

‘Britain under threat from plot to create super-powerful EU president ‘that will mean the end to nation states
Britain could be stripped of even more powers under plans to create a new super-powerful EU president who would not be directly elected by voters.
…’This is a plot by people who want to abolish nation states and create a United States of Europe,’ said Lord Stoddart…’
Revolution begins to look like a logical response.
‘Arm yourselves, and be ye men of valour, and be in readiness for the conflict; for it is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon the outrage of our nation and our altar…‘ (1 Maccabees 3:58–60)
(Thanks to Andrei at Quid Deinde for that quote)

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12 Responses to A massive betrayal of the people of Europe

  1. Moneo says:

    I have decided that if they enshrine a racist constitution in New Zealand, as the Maori party is campaigning for, I will be either leaving or revolting.

    • KG says:

      Good for you, Moneo. I wish more people felt that way. The fact is, given the importation of semi-skilled, unskilled and pseudo-qualified immigrants, if skilled people leave NZ in even greater numbers than they already are the government will be forced to address the problems. Either that, or admit the fact that real Kiwis are going to be replaced by people with no real attachment to either the country or its culture.
      Right now they’re relying on a comparatively few people to keep the place going, while at the same time treating them as cash-cows and obedient serfs.

  2. nigel201065 says:

    The sooner England removes itself from the EU the better
    England was a powerhouse when it was alone against the rest of Europe and it will be GREAT Britain when it rids itself of this socialist gaggle of unelected worthless pieces of shit that are running everyone into the ground

  3. I often wonder what the point of these people is, alright a super-powerful unelected president, yeah ok, why don’t we just make him president for life. Africa-style, either way what’s the point, in a few decades, it’ll either be just another useless shithole with a growing muslim population or it’ll be torn apart by civil war and probably various forms of ethnic cleansing by the remaining Europeans upon the muslims or vice versa.

    Well I suppose it is better to be the dictator of a banana republic than the guy selling vegetables at the market. Well not if you’re gaddafi though. :)

    • KG says:

      I’ve never understood the attraction of power. And never wanted it. (But then, I’ve never had any, so what would I know? :lol: )

      • Darin says:

        Well it’s never too late,me I plan on being a Warlord,all I need is a Toyota Pickup and a .50 beltfed on the back :lol:

  4. KG says:

    This is what conservatives are up against. Does anybody seriously believe we can turn this around via the ballot box?
    ‘Julia marries the government’

  5. Katie says:

    The day these countries signed the Treaty was the day they destroyed their sovereignty. You cannot slam the barn door after the horses left the barn.

    • octagongrappler says:

      The Trojans can’t throw the horse out after its been let in the gates!!

  6. Darin says:

    “and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns”

    Revelation 17:3

  7. RNB says:

    I should point out the president of the United States is not directly elected by the voters, either.