Here’s an idea…..

how about the President and you corrupt, statist bastards in this Administration show the way by honouring American values, eh?
Panetta: Troop scandals hurt US Afghan mission
…the defense chief delivered a personal plea, urging troops to honor their military values…’
Pretty rich, coming from people who are doing their best to destroy those values, and who also did their best to excuse and trivialise the murder of American soldiers by a muslim asshole at Fort Hood.

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9 Responses to Here’s an idea…..

    • Darin says:

      Love it!That little prick wouldn’t know real work if it walked up a bitch slapped him.

  1. Diamond Mair says:

    When I first read the article, my initial {AND followup} response was: “BITE ME!!” Gutless wonder of SecDef who wouldn’t even ALLOW U. S. troops their weapons when he went to Afghanistan, because it ‘might’ hurt Afghani feelings? :gunner :twisted: :censor

    Semper Fi’

    • Darin says:

      Somehow I think it had less to do with feelings than worrying about being shot. :gunner

  2. KG says:

    Pretty damn hypocritical, isn’t it DM? This bunch make me sick. :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    I noticed this week that since Obama took office IIRC 1753 service men and women have died in Afganistan.First time I have heard that with Obama in office.When Bush was prez we heard the casualty count fifty times a day.Just another example of media bias(prostitution)in favor of dems :evil: :evil:

  4. What he says is true, all it takes is a few seconds of an edited clip or just mere rumor. But the fault it not with the soldiers or even the enemy, it lies with the lily-livered, worthless scumbags back home and all around the world who think they have a right to piss all over the actions of their betters.

    Thanks to them, Afghanistan will remain the worthless shithole it always was.

  5. KG says:

    “…it lies with the lily-livered, worthless scumbags back home and all around the world who think they have a right to piss all over the actions of their betters.”

  6. the members of the regime have NO respect for our military BEST!
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