How the 10% of New Zealand that’s brown plans to steal the country

Muriel Newman on the upcoming Constitutional Review:
‘..As I have detailed in previous columns, the Constitutional Review is the creation of a back-room deal between the Maori and National parties. Such is the influence the Maori Party has had on the review, that they have set the terms of reference, the way it will operate, and stacked the panel membership with Maori.
That in itself, should signal what lies ahead…’
…”“Since one co-chair and five panellists are or were Maori studies academics with vehement anti-colonialist views and only two have legal backgrounds, it would appear that the focus will be on Maori issues, especially the treaty.”..’
If John Key were to be directly employed by the U.N. in what way would his actions differ?
And does it matter, really, in the long run? By the time the centrist poodles of the unelected have done their work, Blair and Cameron and Obama style, Kiwis will be a minority in their own country anyway.
It’s that Brave New World we had nightmares about and very, very few people give a stuff.

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4 Responses to How the 10% of New Zealand that’s brown plans to steal the country

  1. Pascal says:

    It’s happened before elsewhere and it’s happening now to you. There is an explanation for all this seeming insanity. Seeming? It’s a legal term. Who have you permitted to define insanity? Global warming is — upon pain of death; that sort of thing. Once the inmates gain control of the asylum, the costs of repair go way way up. The Maori are at greater risk than you. Convince them that it’s only the rent seekers among them who will gain. Use Africa today as the example. The tragedy is enormous.

    One thing they have you do not. They can choose to be as primitive as Key wishes them to be, and maybe in that you have an answer to both your dilemma right there. IYKWIM.

  2. mawm says:

    If Helen Clark had a son I guess he’d look like Key. By the time he has finished he’ll have done more damage to NZ in 2 terms than Clark and Cullen could do in 3. :rant

    Muriel unfortunately is fighting a lone battle. Where’s Banks on this? Up to his eyeballs in Dotcom business. Where’s Colin Craig on this? Fighting the ‘moral conservativism’ battle. :wtf

  3. medusa says:

    Meanwhile, we here in Nelson have an asshole of a mayor pushing his agenda 21 with amalgamation (haha, that fell over but the bastard is deetermined to make some changes and force it through against the wishes of the voters) and a maori ward (unvoted) seat to support the principles of the treaty *Vomits* We have nobody to stand up for us, sorry, Nick (dickhead Smith) don’t count for s**t :rant

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Mouldy will come out on top in the end :popcorn …