Mark Steyn hits one out of the park

‘..I have no desire to end up living like Geert Wilders or Kurt Westergaard, never mind dead as Fortuyn and van Gogh. But I also wish to live in truth, as a free man, and I do not like the shriveled vision of freedom offered by the Dutch Openbaar Ministrie, the British immigration authorities, the Austrian courts, Canada’s “human rights” tribunals, and the other useful idiots of Islamic imperialism. So it is necessary for more of us to do what Ayaan Hirsi Ali recommends: share the risk. So that the next time a novel or a cartoon provokes a fatwa, it will be republished worldwide and send the Islamic enforcers a message: Killing one of us won’t do it. You’d better have a great credit line at the Bank of Jihad because you’ll have to kill us all..’
The Spirit of Geert Wilders

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5 Responses to Mark Steyn hits one out of the park

  1. Kris K says:

    Steyn is spot on in his as usual uncompromising and accurate analysis.

    One of many quotable portions:

    “Most of the problems confronting the Western world today arise from policies on which the political class is in complete agreement: At election time in Europe, the average voter has a choice between a left-of-center party and an ever so mildly right-of-left-of-center party and, whichever he votes for, they’re generally in complete agreement on everything from mass immigration to unsustainable welfare programs to climate change. And they’re ruthless about delegitimizing anyone who wants a broader debate.”

    And we could add [especially] New Zealand and Australia to the above dynamic operating in Europe. So called ‘negative’ attitudes regarding the death-cult of Islam and its paedophilic false prophet are also off the political table.

    Where is the New Zealand or Australian [to a lesser degree] equivalent of Geert Wilders on the political landscape??!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Hey Kris. Good to see you! Glad you’ve finished your double decaf skinny soy latte and got the Honda50 back up and purring. :cheers

      • Kris K says:

        Hey Gantt – not so much the Honda 50 but I’ve picked up a Toyota Windom 1994 3 litre V6; very nice and well appointed.

        I can see I’m never going to live down my Moped comment of a few months back …

        PS How’s the job hunting going? I assume you’ve picked up another contract?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Not yet, Kris. I’m currently short listed for 4 roles – 2 here in Melbourne and 2 in Auckland. I actually got offered one of them already but because the company that introduced me wasn’t on the Approved Suppliers Panel there was a bunch of politics that didn’t work out, so now I’m going in through another consulting firm. I will know by next Tuesday whether I’m staying here in Melbourne or will be sunning myself in the Cuba of the South Pacific!

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Oh, and the Windom is. Nice set of wheels, too.