‘Obama Longs for GOP Rival Like McCain
President Barack Obama seems to think that the world of politics would be better if someone like John McCain were running for the White House.
The Democratic incumbent and his re-election advisers are waxing nostalgic about the Republican senator from Arizona who lost to Obama in the 2008 presidential race. They’re embracing McCain as a reasonable voice on climate change and immigration, someone who took on extremism in his own party….’
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I must say that Mitt Romney has been far more impressive than I had expected.
Obama appears to be teetering.
Romney’s looking better by the day, and even though I think he’s no conservative, if he can get the boy wonder out of the White House, that’ll do for now.
They key to this will be turnout. Conservatives and independents will just have to hold their noses and pull the lever for Romney.
Yes, the Magic Negro has lost his fairy dust, and early indications are that Team Romney has a plan to nuke the worthless one back to Hawaii.
The downside is that it would put him closer to my friends in Kiwi and Oz, who I’m sure have less use than the average Yank for socialism.
Reality for Obama is what he thinks it is today. The man has more personalties than Sybil.
McCain on the other hand couldn’t have done more to hand the election to Obama……..and in the process destroyed any chances Palin ever had for the Presidency. :rant
That campaign was so limp-wristed and inept, Mawm I’m half inclined to join those who think it was deliberately thrown.
I don’t think McCain threw the 2008 election with intent – the elevation of patriot Sarah Palin to be his running mate argues against that theory – but what really blew The McCain’s Navy out of the water was his “RINO” political ideology that the Right hated.
Thus many Republican voters stayed home on election day…
Another factor in the minds of many on the Right was the economy, which looked to be in deep trouble. In the last big economic collapse of 1929, the Republican got the blame.
This time around the Democrats OWN the economy.
Without disagreeing with you, Ronbo, I think McCain lost ground many times during the campaign itself when (for reasons I’ll never understand) he failed to go for the Obama jugular (Reverend Wright, for example).
Romney is to the right of where McCain was before McCain decided to run in 08′ which gave many conservatives no reason to head to the polls other than Obama not being elected.The only thing that got them out was Palin.Which is why I say Romney had better pick a solid conservative as his VP choice.It would be good insurance to guarantee the republican base to turnout in force.
The truth is there was very little difference between McCain and Obama on many issues before McCain jumped in the race and pretended to be a center right moderate.McCain was a boring wish-wash candidate at best so it’s easy to see why Obama and his crew would like to run against that again.
Well said!
The lesson here is that the voters do not want a Pinko RINO in office, especially when the real deal commie is running as a Democrat.
I wish the Republican candidates in the Northeast and on the Pacific coast would understand this very obvious truth.
Exactly,remember McCain-Feingold?He crossed the isle to join up with one of the biggest lib dems in the senate to co-sponsor that campaign finance bill which later came back to bite him in the arse during his own bid for the WH.
It’s been said one can be stupid or incompetent in politics,but not both!
A huge amount is going to to depend on the running-mate. When does Romney have to announce who it is?
Technically he doesn’t have to until the Repub convention,however there is speculation that he might do it as early as this month.Either way there are downsides.
Right now the race to watch is Tuesdays Wisconsin recall election.If the Republican governor holds on,which many think he will,it will be a Bellweather election for the rest of the nation.Reason being the Dems have poured tons of outside money into that recall drive.If it turns up dry for them in a purple state like Wisconsin it doesn’t bode well for the Nov 6 elections.I for one hope Scott Walker rides back in on a tidal wave.
You might like the Ann’s take on this.
Yep,just like the race in Nov it’s the Republicans race to loose and they are prefectly capable of doing it.
I think he’ll choose Rubio for VP, a tea partier and a way to clinch the Latino indies and conservatives.
Craven politics? Sadly yes…
Rubio opens the door for a faux “Birther” meme. I’d like to see him pick Rubio or West. Either would be excellent.
I think he’d go for Rubio over West as there are more Latino Conservatives than Black ones.
Rubio also looks more like a “celebrity” and is therefore more electable.
I wonder why His Imperial Majesty is avoiding Wisconsin? Does he know Walker is going to win by a landslide but if he doesn’t go there to help Barrett it never really happened? Or does he not consider that what happens today in wisconsin relevant to 6 November?
This is off-topic, and I know it breaches the rule about not linking to Andrew Bolt but I had to smile when I read this post today. Bolt is re-posting an article in the Australian by Nikki Savva (Peter Costello’s former chief of staff) in which she suggests Tony Abbott needs to get aggressive with the racists in Labor (like Doug Cameron, for example). But Ms Savva has made the grave mistake of slurring the Tea Party Movement as racist (with the line “…giving succor to the xenophobic tea partyites represented by the trade union movement…”
It’s good to see Ms Savva being absolutely savaged in the comments by people who are far more knowledgeable than she (likely because they’ve done more research than just read a New York Times article) about the Tea Party Movement.
Perhaps Ms Savva should stick to commentating Aussie politics and leave the US to people who know a little about what they’re talking about!
Rubio & West- I supported them both – even though neither was running in my state- once they –or any true conservative — gets in- and – if they are Constitutionalists- they serve all of us in the US…
and I’ll pull the lever for romney if West or Rubio are on the ballot—