How to import illegal immigrants “asylum seekers” against the wishes of the majority of Australians:
‘But of the almost two-thirds of asylum-seekers whose claims for protection were rejected last year by the government, 74 per cent had that decision overturned in a merits review and were later found to be refugees.
…..The two members of the Rudd Government’s Refugee Review Tribunal say they operate under a “culture of fear”, with their jobs under threat if they reject too many claims.
They believe two members have already lost their jobs for being too tough, and more could follow when the next round of appointments (and dumpings) are announced next month…
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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The primary responsibility of Government is to protect its citizens …….. I would have thought that losing control of Australia’s borders and doing nothing to regain it would be an act of treachery by Gillard and co. Why is she still prime minister and not doing hard time in prison?
Prison is reserved for politicians who dare to represent their constituents no matter how unfashionable their views may be.
Gillard is still Prime Minister because mendacious “independents” continue to prop up her corrupt regime, and because Craig Thompson has no shame and has not resigned his seat. And because at the last election the Australian people went and got themselves a similar dose of stupid as that which gripped the Americans n 2008.
There was a rumor floating around talk radio last night that some guy was making a delivery of 60 boxes of papers to parliament yesterday and dropped one. Sme of the material fell out, and he swore it was election leaflets. Likely nit – its much more likely to be more government propaganda about the carbon tax boondoggle – but it is a salacious story. And wonderful news, if true.
The other interesting piece of gossip is that KRudd proxies are putting the story about that labour are running out of time if they want to come crawling back to him, because he won’t lead them into a bloodbath.
Gillard is still Prime Minister because the Govenor-General is too tightly tied to Labor to act in the interest of the country.
Tony Abbott, and the Liberal/National parties won the last federal election fair and square with more than a million votes more than Labour. The Gillard government was illigitimate from its first day and every day it continues brings shame on Australia.
The Banking cartel want open immigration and to destroy western nations and the nation state!! Simple!
The politicians are traitors who need to face the gallows before time runs out!
So long as voters elect politicians who promise to put other peoples money in their pockets there is no hope.
Those same voters don’t give a rat’s backside about any other issue, including immigration and a country’s future.
It’s as simple and sad as that.
We are done for, All Politicians are traitors and controlled by the NWO..
Settle down, Spidy. The pollies only have as much power as we give ’em. The problem comes when they use Other People’s Money to bribe enough of the Sheeple to hand over more power, and it necessarily an ever-increasing, vicious cycle. If the Sheeple would wake the fuck up and stop demanding a slice of someone else’s money the pollies’ power would be substantially cut off overnight.
“the pollies’ power would be substantially cut off overnight.”
Actually, they would be fucked!
True Gantt, But the Media also are controlled and its going to be hard to waken the sheeple??
Thats why the Internet is a powerfull tool and why they want to censor what we say!!
I need a drink!!
There is no hope for a Tea Party Movement in NZ. First, there is no founding document which has been violated and around which the Sheeple can rally. Secondly, NZ has been engaged in a love affair with socialism for a century. Thirdly, thee are very few actual tax payers left.
Absent a Tea Party – style movement, only total economic collapse will save the joint.
‘Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war’
Shakespeare ‘Julius Caesar’.
Also Multiculturalism will make it harder to unite people and it will be used to divide us, as we wont be able to see who the common enemy is!The enemy of all of us trying to force one world government and create “global” citizens..
A paranoid person might see all of these completely unrelated coincidences as a deliberate plot! :rant :gunner
Well Gantt, why would you want to import people from a different culture in such massive numbers?? I cant think of any other reason?
So we can have great fuckin’ restaurants?
YES! Being able to stroll down the road to buy bear bile pills and chicken feet has made my life worthwhile. If I venture a couple of kms further out I can buy a burqua and watch the faithful frequent the Mosque. OH JOY unbounded. Loving as I do the multi-culti way, I explore these shops ..yes, I have the time … Just a wee question, if supermarkets are judged by strict food standards, why are these rat pits allowed to operate?
Err sorry, they’re ethnic, move along.
Also they work at supermarkets and apply strict laws to selling alcohol and playing by the rules, yet when they work at the family shop, Tax?Rules?produce standards dont apply!!
Mr Grappler. If the Govt took a serious interest in the tax returns of corner shop dairies and the IRD followed them up, we would not have a place to buy a paper or smokes at odd hours. Leave it alone. We will be buggered soon enough without us dobbing thing them in.
Its Mr Octagongrappler Ms Mara..
Most Asian Migrants end up self employed and dont pay tax yet use essential services out of proportion to there tax return? Including bringing in dozens of welfare bound family members!
While I play by the rules! All immigration from these countries must be halted or put to a vote…
octagongrappler . Sorry
Ok Mara, We will let this one slide this time
KG why are you eating popcorn? It makes me suspicious.
… and rightly so
KG. A more paranoid person than moi might think you were enjoying my discomfort at having had to make a grovelling, public, humbling apology to Octagongrappler. Schurely not.
It just pisses me off thinking about it, we have no money for our soldiers or veterans, but plenty of money to import useless parasites carrying TB and who knows what else at great expense. The day that worthless sack of shit is booted out of the lodge couldn’t come any sooner.
I’m staggered this government has lasted so long, RWT. God knows my opinion of politicians is low, but I really thought a couple of them might force an election.
Seems the low opinion just ain’t low enough…..