Criminal. Incompetent…and a flat-out liar.

‘President Barack Obama, defending his economic record after unemployment rose to 8.2 per cent last month, has told Americans that ‘the private sector is doing just fine‘.
Speaking at a White House press conference, Obama sought to blame troubles in the European economy, the legacy of President George W. Bush and inaction by Congress for poor economic numbers in the United States.
But then he offered what Republicans immediately seized on as a political gift. ‘We’ve created 4.3 million jobs over the past 27 months,’ he said. ‘The private sector is doing fine…’
The self-parodying boy-king: ‘”It’s absolutely clear the economy is not doing fine,” President Obama said at the White House shortly after declaring “the private sector is doing fine” at a press conference Friday morning…’ source

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13 Responses to Criminal. Incompetent…and a flat-out liar.

  1. Darin says:

    Oh,so that’s why I see a couple small businesses a week closing in town,it’s because “the private sector is doing just fine” :evil: :censor :censor :evil:

    What an inept out of touch isolated ass he is,they must be smoking some good s— in the WH.They had today’s conference limited to just three news outlets and cherry picked questions.Goebbels would be proud.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Clinton is doing his best to make sure Zero isn’t re-elected. I reckon there’s a battle Royale going n right now for the heart and soul of the donkey-crat party.

    • Darin says:

      It’s more like two Monkeys trying to hump a Beach ball.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Clinton actually has humped a beach ball. And a monkey.

        Zero thought he did, but it wasn’t a monkey, it was an old white dude and it was actually Zero who was the monkey being humped. But hey, it paid his tuition.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Seriously though, I think it’s more existential than that. The Clintons are donkey-crat royalty the way the Kennedys were decades ago. What they’re seeing now is *their* kingdom being ripped apart by some Chicago thug who gives a crap for nobody but himself.

        • Darin says:

          Yes,I believe your right,I also believe that the Clinton’s are the most vindictive political team even more so than the Obama’s.They aren’t angry about Hillary not getting the nomination in 08′,they are just getting even.Should make for good political theater :popcorn

  3. Mark says:

    Obama is the end result of leftie thinking. It makes you a retard.

  4. KG says:

    “Obama is the end result of leftie thinking. It makes you a retard.”
    In a nutshell. :grin:

  5. I often wonder when I hear statements like these from him, is he lying or actually nuts, as in – he actually believes what he says. Either way it’s not a good thing.

    • KG says:

      I reckon he actually believes it at that moment. Because he has no core beliefs, no ethical base.

      • Darin says:

        I believe at this point he’s a stupid Pawn and his controllers are equally stupid if not more so.

        Watch out world,America has no rudder! :shock:

  6. Flashman says:

    Zero is simply a posing, rhetorical wind-bag. Positively reeks of bullshit. It was so obvious in ’08.

    In the days before big screen projection, Mussolini at least had the excuse that it was necessary to posture and strut because that was the only way the crowds could see him at a distance. Zero has no such out.

  7. Kris K says:

    Some people are so evil and narcissistic that they create their own ‘truth’.