Paging Al Gore…….

Coldest day in 130 years of records

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4 Responses to Paging Al Gore…….

  1. Darin says:

    The wheels have not only come off the AGW wagon, it’s upside down at the bottom of the hill on fire,yet there are still true believers out there.

    Huge headlines this week about the supposed “record high temps” so far this year.But last week we had snow in the Rockies,apparently the media was oblivious to the fact that Summer came late this year.

  2. Pascal says:

    OT, but related due to the larger group of people who are pushing the climate scams.
    Alabama Bans U.N. Agenda 21 Sovereignty Surrender

    • Darin says:

      Yes,absolutely good news people here in the south don’t take to well to be railroaded off their land and told what they can and can’t do.

      The most damming number to come out of Wisconsin proving that Walker was right is the number of public employees that voted with their feet and walked away from the union.38,000 of the 69,000 employees in the union bolted once he passed right to work.

  3. Flashman says:


    I was planning on playing 18 holes during a visit to Greenland this December.