Oh, grow up, FFS!

‘Australian Olympic swimmers Nick D’Arcy and Kenrick Monk have sparked outrage after they posed with high-powered weapons in a US gun shop.
The pair are pictured smiling smugly, holding automatic pistols and pump-action shotguns similar to those used in the Virginia Tech and Port Arthur massacres….’
In other news, a well-known actress was seen posing-and smiling smugly- with a bottle of hair bleach, similar to that used by terrorists to bring down airliners….
UPDATE: Tim Blair says it best.

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21 Responses to Oh, grow up, FFS!

  1. Anonymous says:

    My footy fan Aussie s in l tells me the real issue is the guys themselves. One of them seriously beat up a team mate a few weeks ago and people said then he should have been given the arse.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Tried, convicted and paid the penalty by being excluded from the Beijing Games team.

      But, I agree you’re right. It isn’t that two Aussie Olympic Team members have snapped themselves holding what look to be some pretty nice firearms. It’s that it’s these particular two. And they were stoopid enough to post the photos on Facebook. FWIW, if I was selecting the team I would have told Nick D’Arcy to nt even bother pulling on his speedos. He can swim for sure, but he’s a massive liability, if he chooses to go off the reservation.

  2. octagongrappler says:

    If they posed naked on a gay website to support gay marriage they would have made the new years honors list? :rant

  3. KG says:

    The real issue is NOT the guys themselves–I don’t give a damn who they are. The real issue is them posing with perfectly legal implements being used as a massive beat up by the anti-gun eunuch busybody assholes and their drooling jackal accomplices in the media. :rant

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Agreed. These two are just slack-jawed morons being used for a cause. No better or worse than TV reporters getting the most in-bred, feral Collingwood supporter they can find as their ‘eye witness’ to any car crash/shooting/crime. Understand that. But here’s the thing. Nick D’Arcy is an idiot. He is a stoopid magnet. He invited this type of story. Would it have been news if, for example, Ian Thorpe had done the same? The questions are: in what way did the pics violate the team’s “social media policy”? And why was it news that they had so violated, and been required to take them down? This is just another case of people pushing a barrow using a couple of idiots to prove their barrow needs pushing.

      • Darin says:

        To me it’s sad that so many in Australia and here too for that matter are so off the hinges and paranoid about guns.Drunk drivers kill three times as many people each year as do people with guns,but there isn’t the paranoia surrounding alcohol :rant ……………..at least not yet,that is :evil:

        I for one propose a new Olympic event,the 300 meter swim and shoot.Competitors would dive in,gun slung over back,swim 150 meters,hop out the pool,shoot ten rounds at a target 100 meters down range and then swim the remainder.
        Winner to be determined by elapsed time and shot group.That would be TV worth watching :popcorn

    • That’s exactly it, most out there couldn’t give a rats ass. I’m no fan of Darcy, but what the heck is wrong with posing with guns.

      The hysterics from the gun-fearing wankers on the evening news was almost comical. Oh my panties, a picture of a gun! I need to sit down, somebody call the premier, we need a new law before I have to change my panties!

      If these assholes didn’t have so much influence one could just laugh at them.

  4. octagongrappler says:


    Off topic but looks like Mt Eden will be off limits to tourists? Well a Fee maybe?…

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      When you say “tourist” I assume you mean any non-Maori?

      You know what, that little fat fascist pig Tariana Turia once said something about wishing for the day when all non-Maori were standing in the beach with their bags packed. The day will come when her wish will come true. Then what will happen is Maori will wipe themselves out, as they were well on their way to doing when Cook saved them. The country might then finally be free of their poisonous influence, whereupon real people can move back in and turn it into the paradise it was always meant to be.

      • octagongrappler says:

        She also said that she looked foward to the day 2050 when maori will again be the majority again.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          With the pace at which productive people are leaving and Maori are breeding with the ferals the government is importing, it will be a lot sooner than 2050!

  5. Moist von Lipwig says:

    “a massive beat up by the anti-gun eunuch busybody assholes and their drooling jackal accomplices in the media. ”

    You got it in one, KG.
    I particularly like the adjectives trotted out on occasions like this…
    moral sensitivity
    inappropriate, foolish and inappropriate, clearly inappropriate, inappropriate content
    breathtakingly crass
    etc etc.
    But the winner for me is…
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    “poor trigger discipline”
    (From a blog comment)

  6. Diamond Mair says:

    Hey, KG, wanna make more libs’ heads explode? I’ll send you a pic of me, holding my beauteous Bersa & my CHL {SHOULD receive it in 2-4 weeks} ………………………. mebbe I’ll prop ‘Ms. Mossberg’ next to me, too ………………………….. :twisted:

    Semper Fi’

  7. KG says:

    I can think of several people’s pics which would make fine targets, Darin. :cheers

    • Darin says:

      There are plenty of a certain persons picture left over from the 08′ election nobody wants now.All they would need is retouching with concentric red circles :grin: