‘Worrying takes its toll on women’s brains (because they have to work harder than men to perform simple tasks)’ source
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!!!!WTF!!!!!This here significant post might this also apply to Berry’s brain like I mean like whatever like? His Diplomatic Pouch needs a breaketh like it seems to be exhausted from all the french fries N tater tots like Uno so sheweth us’ns y’alls scool records. Yrs Trly tata HarvardPotatoHead!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!got a beep!
Here’s something to make y’all go hmmmmm…
Holder is deploying the Clinton Defence in his congressional testimony (it depends I what the definition of “is” is, and even better “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” – because blow jobs, and using a cigar as a sex toy, clearly don’t count). He’s claiming DoJ emails that use the phrase “Fast and Furious” don’t refer at all in any way to Operation Fast & Furious.
I really, really hope Issa holds off on charging this sack of excrement until His Imperial Majesty can no longer pardon him. I really, really hope they keep on with the dripping tap torture, with little snippets coming out each week, between now and 6 November.
I suspect they (the Repubs) may be holding off in the hope O is beaten in November, so they can then say they’re “putting all this behind us in order to concentrate on the economy and getting America back to work”.
Because they have more in common with Von Holder and the gang than they do with the peasant voters.
That’s certainly the more likely scenario. But, imagine a House with an increased Tea Party presence. Imagine a Tea Party controlled Senate. Would the cowards (Romney, Boehner, Cantor et. al) be able to stop a prosecution then? My guess is if Boehner could have shut Issa down, he would have done so by now.
Chaps, could we please talk about nicer things like fluffy kittens and fabric conditioners and , you know , easier things for me to understand. Politics makes my head hurt. I refer you to youtube Harry Enfield .. Women Know Your Limits.
You wanna talk about girlie stuff, Mara, I’d suggest you go visit a blog called The Hand Mirror. It’s all multi-culti, multi-sexual girlie drama. And they’d just luuurrrrrvvvvvvveeeeee you!
Judge Napolitano on the coming swarm-
The Gantt Guy. You know why its called the Hand Mirror don’t you? No thanks.
Of course I do. They are small-minded, petty progressives whose entire world-view is defined by what they see in he hand mirror.
They are cunts.
And that’s giving them the benefit of the doubt.
‘Worrying takes its toll on women’s brains (because they have to work harder than men to perform simple tasks)’
There’s a reason they’re referred to as “The Fairer Sex”.
Men are hard-wired to cope better in stressful scenarios; it’s just the way we’re created. And gee am I glad that we are different!
I may be wrong on this, but I think that when women face a stressful situation they just want to talk about it and get their feelings out. Whereas men want to solve the source of the stress. Some of us want to get the spanner and hammer out, some of us want to shoot it, some of us want to blow it up. Either way we’re not really into sharing feelings about it.
And I don’t think it’s entirely a hard-wire thing, more conditioning as we grow up. When you were growing up, if you wanted to sit around and talk about your feelings when faced with a problem or anything for that matter; it’s a guaranteed way to get the shit kicked out of you.
That’s changing a lot now, with all the counseling, pacifism and molly-coddling going on.
“That’s changing a lot now, with all the counseling, pacifism and molly-coddling going on.”
Aye, it is. And it’s certainly not a change for the better. With all the talk of “equality”, what’s happened is that a lot of standards have been dragged downwards, instead of those who want equality lifting their game to achieve real equality of outcomes.