Wabbit just paid $200 and spent three hours at a firearms safety course (compulsory for licence) which taught him not to point loaded guns in unintended directions or at unintended targets. Civilization is so much safer now….
And for some very fine reading, Francis Porretto’s latest is hard to beat:
‘The Sovereign Power Of Indifference’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 2/22/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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This rules you out for the Olympics no doubt.
(good to see you here, Marc.And I still owe you an apology for almost deafening you with the Weatherby .308 :oops:)
So you paid $200 to someone so they can tell you don’t stand in front of the end with the hole in it, then write you a certificate to say you’re safe with a firearm. And they probably have 1/10th the hours you have working with firearms.
But hey, at least you’re a government-sanctioned right wing looney now, right?
Certificated, even. :roll
Speaking of bureaucracy….
‘Loud industrial noise and banging sounds will be played twice a day at Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens to scare off a destructive colony of 5000 flying foxes.
Royal Botanic Garden director Mark Savio says the relocation comes after a two-year delay in getting federal government approval and five years of planning.
To scare off a few fruit bats!
Loud industrial noise and banging sounds? You mean the kind that come from a few grains of lead expelled from a metal tube at 2,000 fps? Is there to be an open season on mooonbats?
A bit of poison, or some traps, or best a few well trained snipers could fix this problem very fast.
Property owners used to routinely fix the problem themselves, in a variety of ways. But who would be prepared to pay a huge fine or go to jail now the greenies have made that a heinous crime?
How to fix it isn’t the problem–getting permission from our masters is.
KG at the range-
The little Marlin 30-30 will be ideal for this style of careful, deliberate shooting…
Living legend Jerry Miculek-
The 1873 assault rifle!
In the hands of those guys, it sure is! That rate of ammo use would send some of us broke in a week..
More of that rigorous vetting Obama miraculously avoided:
In the ongoing discussion of Barack Obama’s involvement with ‘Chicago’s extremist “New Party,” online literature from the Party likely reveals that the young state senator not only was a member but had to commit financially to membership. ‘
Keeping the peasants in their place:
‘Man wants policy changed after EPA responds to request for official’s contact information with armed agents’
:wtf does the Environmental Protection Agency need armed agents for?
Well they have drones and a SWAT team, so it stands to reason, don’t it?
They’ll be whistling up the zoomies for a napalm strike on illegal unpasteurised milk vendors next….
Well I heard a guy on the radio the other day saying they’re monitoring farmers’ dairy herds. For what I don’t know. Excessive farting, probably.
sigh…..imagine what the real unemployment figure would be, if all these drones and parasites were taken off the public tit. Somewhere in the region of 50% would be my guess.
It would certainly be up there. Including public sector in GDP and other economic numbers is a con, a fraud and a shell game. Especially when there’s a demagogue like Barry increasing the size of the government every chance he gets to hide the true numbers.
Oh,I know what for,they have been doing it here for years now.They are looking to see if a little Cow Flop(that’s shit for the less informed)is making it down hill into the area streams and rivers.
Apparently it’s okay for Bears,Deer,Boars and etc to crap in the woods and it’s even okay for treated sewage to be piped into the river under the blessing of the EPA,but not a little Cow shit once in awhile when it rains heavy.Our federal bastards at work making life a little more miserable for us,god bless them ALL :rant :censor
We all know the dangers of unpasteurised milk set loose in the land of the free. Since these zoomies are cheap as chips, so darnded available and virtually undetectable, why wouldn’t you use them? The mind boggles as to other possibilities America’s beloved leader may think of. It behooves all responsible citizens/subjects to brainstorm the issue and offer sugestions. :popcorn
I have a suggestion–but it’s unprintable. Suffice to say it involves Pb and angry citizens.
Domino’s pizza delivery woman,stabbed,bludgeoned to death by teenagers over a pizza-
Lets play guess the race-
I’m working the 2:30 pm-11:00+pm in a gas station/convenience store; while there is nothing in writing, word is that “we” are NOT to be armed while working …………………………… nevermind that one {now former} employee was robbed, the robber using a hunting rifle to get his point across ………………………………. MY attitude is, once I have my CHL in hand, if no one asks, *I* won’t tell, unless someone pulls a weapon on me ………………………………. I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 – our local chief of police is a friendly acquaintance {I wrote an “atta-boy!” letter to the then-chief of police, about Alex – 10 years later, he remembers me, AND the letter
} who has already told me that, should I have an issue with dogs attacking one of my cats again, I’ve his permission {basically} to shoot the dogs ………………………. I don’t think Alex would be too terribly hard on me, if I were defending my life, or the life of someone else.
The FodGuy, bless his pointy head, is looking forward to telling all & sundry that his wife is the only woman he knows who carries a gun AND knives
He mentioned that to 2 young men who became co-workers – they BOTH told him they found me a little scary ……………………………..
Semper Fi’
“I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6”
Yep–and that has to be any sensible person’s stance, DM. Damned if the law itself is going to make me a ‘compulsory victim’ either.
Obama’s “green jobs” scam:
It turns out that according to the administration, “green jobs” include: college professors teaching classes on environmental studies, clerks at bicycle repair shops, antique dealer employees, Salvation Army workers because they are selling used clothing, stores selling rare books and manuscripts, consignment shop workers, used record shop employees, garbage disposal workers, and even oil lobbyists if they are engaged in advocacy related to environmental issues.
Hey where is the Maori warrior of the week segment???…
I got a bit distracted, Grappler.
Will the “Darwin” post do for now?
Mebbe cut that segment into hiatus for this week. Kind of a two minutes silence in remembrance of Joris de Bres.
? Did somebody finally strangle the bastard?
He’s not standing for another term. My guess is there’s a Labour list place coming his way, or perhaps a spot on the UNHCR.
Whatever it is, it’ll be a well-paid non-job which doesn’t involve real work or accountability. Once scum like him get their snouts in the trough, they’re set for life.
Yup? Half a century as a (legally, anyway) grown-up and has never contributed a single cent … not one single cent … to the real economy.
Leftist activist at university. And every damn day since. He was as much a political appointee as was Howard Broad at police. :rant
Yes thats fine
These people make me effing sick. Any biologist would call a similar organism elsewhere in nature a parasite, and that’s truly what they are.
What I don’t get, ignoring for a moment the thousands upon thousands of “people” hired by the government to either impinge on those few remaining liberties we have, of to charge us for the privilege of exercising them, is why we have a Race Relations Conciliator at all? I mean, we have a government department for Maori affairs, one for Pacific Island affairs, one for engaging wi Asian communities. What would happen, I wonder, if I complained to the RRC that the government was discriminating against me in the basis of my race, by not having a department whose function was to lobby the government for preferential treatment on behalf of first-generation progeny of Scottish immigrants? How much d’you think that’s worth by way of compensation?
Nothing. The white European is now invisible, when he’s not being reviled.
Dammit. Maybe I should invent a mouldy relative somewhere a few generations back. Do a Warren and stick my hand out!
You won’t. It’s called having some self-respect.
I’ve just finished talking to a bloke who runs thousands of head of cattle on a zillion-hectare property. He’s up before dawn every day and arrives home after dark knackered and filthy after a hard day’s real work. He employs a lot of people and contributes massively to the economy.
Yet these are the people the “progressives” and Labor revile as “rich property owners”, while leftist politicians represent the welfare bludgers and the urban latte’-queen parasites…..
If Labor represented the workers, as they claim to do, they’d represent people like that man. The whole party is based on a massive con-job and lies. :rant
Damn straight. Witness the flat-out libelous and juvenile attacks on Gina Reinhart, Clive Palmer and Twiggy Forrest by the Prime Menstruator and its deputy.
‘Teachers could be forced to promote same-sex marriage in classrooms if gay weddings are legalised, one of Britain’s most senior human rights lawyers has warned.’