‘The teenage driver of a car that crashed into a house at Kaitaia remains in a critical condition in Whangerei Hospital this morning.
Nathan Rawiri, 18, is fighting for his life in the Intensive Care Unit after the crash in the early hours of yesterday morning.
Rawiri had allegedly sped away from police before the car he was driving careered into the side of a house where five children lay sleeping….’
I know this part of NZ very well indeed. It’s full of dope-smoking layabouts who thieve and generally behave like primitive assholes. Most of the people up there are on welfare and I hate to think what this particular piece of garbage has already cost the taxpayer. Of course, if he dies he’ll be described as a “fine young man with a promising future, who never hurt a fly”. The odds of that being true are about 5000:1
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Truth in reporting again? “Nathan is fighting for his life in intensive care …. ”
No he bloody is not. In reality he’s lying in a high cost bed being given every advantage of modern, medical care in the misguided hope that he can be saved to become a valuable, productive member of society, having seen and amended the error of his ways. SNORT!
We get the same thing here every time one of the juvenile gang bangers in New Orleans manages to delete himself from the gene pool-“Oh he was a good boy,always went to Church on Sunday and never did harm to anyone” then you see the arrest record that’s ten feet long