‘A former Maori Party candidate, Gisborne district councillor and Tairawhiti Health Board member has been struck off as a lawyer after falsifying 20 signatures while processing Treaty of Waitangi claims.
Gisborne lawyer Atareta Poananga admitted four charges before the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal – two of forgery and false declaration, and two of misconduct relating to the period 2008 to 2010.
……A New Zealand Herald report from 2001 described Poananga as the “militant face of the 70s and 80s Maori nationalism movement”.
In 1985, she caused controversy with her remarks about “the riff-raff, flotsam and jetsam of British culture” and that Pakehas should leave New Zealand or accept Maori sovereignty.
She caused a “stir” on both sides of the Tasman that year when she delivered a paper on decolonisation at a conference, including comments that whites in Australia and New Zealand should return to their ancestral lands….’
Ain’t it odd, folks, how the “racist” epithet only seems to be used against whitey? And a huge bureaucracy is in place to detect and punish it?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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“whites in Australia and New Zealand should return to their ancestral lands….”
Interesting thought…..does that “should” also apply to Maori returning to their ancestral lands in Hawaii or Rarotonga or whatever backward island they came from as the second wave of immigrants…… (the Moriori being the first wave of immigrants).
NZ created its own climate where no-one comments or is even surprised at Maori racists
Worse than that – we actually feed them at the taxpayer trough
And grovel at the feet of their “culture”….
If all the whites returned to Europe who would be working or paying taxes then?
The devil resides in the minutiae and Sometimes, very occasionally, he shows himself. Like when it says in the article about this sack of excrement that “… she was working on 35 claims, covering most of the North Island.”
Question 1: when will these parasites stop? (Answer: never)
Question 2: when will the government, supposedly elected to represent ALL New Zealanders, stop caving in to these parasites? (Answer: never, until we make them stop)
Question 3: when all of the non-Maori leave and the place turns into the Zimbabwe of the South Pacific, who will fund these parasites then?
Question 4: Why has this sack of excrement not been charged by Police or SFO for fraud? (Answer: protected species)
GG…you got that right.
The white NZ punters don’t understand yet that there are no “settlements”.
Every “final” settlement is regarded as rent.
Many “settlements” happened in the 50s….all treated now as if they never happened.
NatLab will eventually give the public commons to those who will charge us for using them….from beaches to deer stalking.
I’ve seen the best of it.
Thank god……
To the coming generation, I say sorry. The majority of my generation are thumbsuckers and let it happen.
Question 4 is easily the most interesting…..
A grade-A parasite, just like the rest of them.
Poananga has a long history of Maori nationalist racism. Her continued political career in Gisborne is a testimony to not only the hopelessness of local media in NZ in hauling anyone to account (her past history would kill off a political career in most countries) and the insipid malignant tolerance of Maori nationalism in the mainstream of Maori society.
“insipid malignant tolerance” is exactly right, Libertyscott. But why the tolerance? It brings very few benefits to most ordinary maori, and a deal of anger from many Kiwis.
I once listened to some lefty liberal fool try to justify the Iwi aristocracy’s looting of taxpayer’s money on the basis that it “trickles down” to ordinary maori. When I pointed out that by the time it had trickled down, the BMW and Armani suits had become a battered Ford Falcon and semen-stained jeans, a refusal to work and battered babies, he kinda switched off and suggested I was being that catch-all beast, a “racist”.
It’d be good if somebody could come into CR and mount an intelligent case for maoridom, but I’m not holding my breath. If the abusive trolls who inhabit the spam bin are any indication, then no such person exists.
Or maori are simply indefensible.
The main issue I have, KG, is that for all the talk of “victim hood”, Maori are only “victims” of their own elites. If the corrupt scum in the corporate IWI, and apartheid party and the tribal elites actually wanted Maori to start improving in terms of educational outcomes, crime and imprisonment, “poverty” and general misery they easily could.
The main problem, of course, is that as soon as Maori start performing (statistically) at the same levels as other racial groups the spigot of taxpayer funds will be turned off and the corrupt scum will have to find either a real job (cue Tui billboard) or, more likely, some more creative way to exist in the taxpayer’s teat. The fact is the tribal elites, corporate IWI and apartheid party have absolutely no interest in seeing the lot of ordinary Maori improve, and they have a hell of a lot to lose if it does. So they keep “their people” poor, stoned, drunk and in abject misery so they can ensure the continued flow of funds frm the government to themselves.
Aided and abetted by the most corrupt Attorney General New Zealand has ever known.
:rant :popcorn
I don’t disagree GG, however there is another side. In my immediate family there are, by marriage, Maoris, Samoans and Chinese. All highly educated, all contributing hugely to society. The part-Samoan kids live in the UK, go to a private school (for some reason the Poms call it a public school, go figure), and I must admit to falling about laughing when their posh English accents come out of their little brown faces.
My point, of course, is that the high achievers – of which there are actually many – are often tarred (ahem) by the same brush as the troughers.
The spam bin of CR…… An intriguing thought! As mysterious as Valhalla!
You do NOT want to go in there, my friend. It looks like a General Debate thread at Kiwiblog!
Lol, the price of popularity I suppose. I had always assumed the eco-loons, rabid socialists and other assorted nutcases just shyied away from CR.
A tip of my hat to the editorial staff from keeping the site leftie free!
(And I still can’t comment in your fine blog without going through some weird WordPress.com process. And I don’t have either that login or a Facebook account. grrrr…)
Really? I thought I’d killed all that. Argh. Better review the old commenting settings.
“Aided and abetted by the most corrupt Attorney General New Zealand has ever known.”
Who, if “justice” happened to be anything more than just a word, would be swinging by the neck from the Auckland harbour bridge…..
Pfft. It’s just but one of the many joys of living in a Parliamentary dictatorship that once they win the triennial Stolen Goods Auction, they can do whatever the hell they like. What particularly rankles is NZ’s tradition of having Attorneys General who are List Only MPs so they don’t even have to bother going through the charade of the beauty pageant.
Come the day, List MPs should be shot on sight.
The worst aspect of the Key government, in my view, is that what they’re busy giving away can never be recovered.
(a) I don’t know about shot on sight – at least no more so than any other MP, but I do think the rules need to be changed so only Electorate MPs can hold a Ministerial Warrant
(b) yes, it can and will be recovered. It might take a while is all. You’ll recall (from reading, not personal experience) that Maori were my too happy to sell their lands to whiteh the first time around in exchange for whitey protecting Maori from … Maori. You really think that won’t happen again? Of course it will. New Zealand society will get to such a point (I used the term “Zimbabwe of the South Pacific” deliberately) that they will once again be at each others throats and begging for a referee to stop them from making themselves extinct. I only hope that come the day the referee takes more of a long-term view and makes it absolutely damn clear that they are *not* special and they get NO special privilege. Come that day, that’s the day to write a Comstitution!
I’m reminded of the quote, “take away the world from the bankers but leave them the power to create money, and the will soon enough issue enough currency to buy it back”.
It seems that, surprise, surprise, when the “iwi elders” are given huge swaths of free money to invest, it so well it goes straight down the proverbial drain. A friend of mine came to me with the books of a Maori Trust he is a beneficiary of. I reviewed them and it seems the trustees brought a plot of forest, after it was havested they didn’t replant, they istead brought a pub – for at least 30% more than it was worth. The pub went tits up, the land remains not replanted, so all he is left with is a stake in a bare patch of land in Northland. Understandably my friend is least pleased and wants the trustees heads to roll, but can he? Nope you’d need all the signatures of the hundreds of beneficiaries to do that.
I admire your optimism.
Not saying it will happen in my lifetime. Nor probably for another few generations. But without the shackles of colonialism to hold them down, who knows how quickly Maori will manage to wipe themselves out of Godzone and into the annals of long-forgotten history. Like the Moa. Or the Dodo bird. Or the guy who was standing next to the guy who stood next to Sirhan Sirhan at the lunch counter the day before he got famous.
I see a different future. Maori vs whitey and Asians, in a continuing low-level criminality while their so-called “leaders” make all the right noises even as they live effectively as wealthy whites. And it will drag on until the money runs out, in which case it will have run out for the whole of NZ’s middle class. After that point, all bets are off, because white and Asian Kiwis will begin to retaliate.
Think Detroit.
Mebbe, but I think the money’s a lot closer to running out than most folks believe.
An alternate possibility (again turning to Africa) is Maori end up with the whole box and dice, and do deals with the Chicoms to mine all the minerals. You know how Chinese “businessmen” treat their factory workers in Africa, right?
I wonder which of us will get closest to the bullseye, and how long it will take?
But it’s fun trying to map out the possibilities.
No closure. No revival of liberty. No glorious revolution. Not even a blaze of glory or a hail of bullets.
Just a boot stamping on a human face – forever.
I saw this bitch on TV, 4 years ago telling whites that they are welcome to stay but under mardi rule? :popcorn .
If any of our friends from america could tell us if the Native American activists are 90% white blood like the Mardi radicals, That would be interesting?
Heh,most of our Native American activists are white as rice and completely devoid of NA blood.
Enter Ward Churchill,famous liberal activist and plagiarist who claimed to be NA.
And now we have Elizabeth Warren aka Pinochiohontas-
These clowns are to NA’s what Rev Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are to blacks.Race baiting huckster leeches content to grab hold of and maintain power on the backs of their own people.That however is the key difference between the two groups.At least rev Al and Jesse are honest about being black.
Thanks Darin, There is a pattern among “indiginous” people on this planet..
If all the whites left they would probably be back to eating each other within a year :gunner
How sad. :cheers
Im watching pacific Viewpoint on triangle tv, and the Samoans in Nz say the ministry of education is stamping on the pacific culture, by not having compulsory samoan in schools in nz…
There’s plenty of compulsory Samoan back in Samoa. For the price of an air ticket, they can have as much of it as they want.
I’ve recently starting using a standard line whenever I’m discussing white guilt,
“When Whites came to NZ;
Maori lived on average to their early 20s – now it’s in the mid-60s,
the average Maori has 400 x the wealth now than when whitey arrived,
Maori have access to opportunity in a “market economy” – more opportunity than 6 billion other humans,
Maori infant mortality has plummeted since whitey arrived due to health access”
So I don’t want to hear about entitlement from Maori, all I want to hear is thank you for the efforts of my forebearers.
Don’t hold your breath, mate.
It’s fun just to say it and see the reaction from Maori and non-Maori alike. It also needs to be said though and the amount of people who say, “agree with you completely” is staggering…
The amount of people who say, “agree with you completely” and continue to cast their triennial vote for the Nat/Lab/Watermelon/Apartheid coalition even more staggering! If people genuinely wanted a color blind country they would have given Don Brash and ACT a massive mandate. They didn’t, so they will get what they vote for: shafted.
Griever ingratitude towards the British is rivalled only by the French.
It wasn’t always so with Maori.
In 1860, 200 chiefs at the Kohimarama Conference were falling over each other to thank Governor Gore-Browne for the tremendous benefits that British law, property rights and Christianity had brought to their people.
That tradition of gratitude extended down at least as far as Apirana Ngata in the early 20th century. But for the last 40 years – nothing but whingeing and ‘entitlements’.
Most Mardi I see have a sexy blonde girlfriend anyway… :popcorn
It’s the fumes from the P cooking that turn their hair that colour, Grappler.
You guys might enjoy this: http://johnansell.wordpress.com/2012/06/11/oia-exclusive-minutes-confirm-bias-of-constitutional-advisory-panel/
Many thanks John, both for the link and for the work you’re doing highlighting this outrageous, farcical charade. I’ll put up a post with the link to your site.
Seconded, John. Thank you for your fine work.
Thanks KG and Gantt, I appreciate your support.
Funders willing, you’ll be seeing a major campaign to end state racism and entrench a Colourblind State – ideally before the Prime Appeaser surrenders the rest of our birthright and agrees to a Bolivian-style constitution, where humans share equal status with three-toed sloths and stinging nettles, but indigenous humans are more equal than others.
John was ambushed by Paul Spoonleyon close up one evening :rant
Here’s John’s post about his latest Close Up appearance. A battle of wits with Morgan Godfrey (who seems to me to be quite a smart young guy – smart, but wrong. So very badly wrong) and John Hatfield (an unarmed opponent if ever there was).
Actually Godfery is a two-faced little piece of work – charming in person, but spits the usual Griever poison when your back’s turned.
I decided to use his own blog to see how much he really knew about his history. Answer: virtually nothing.
He’s just another performing parrot from the Kelburn cultural brainwashing factory.
Marvel at his academic superiority complex (and see him get royally trounced) here:
You’re right, John – and you probably pushed up his page-hits to record highs (likely by some exponential) merely by gracing his drivel with your commentary.
I maintain he is intelligent – perhaps highly so – but he’s wrong, brainwashed and (given his comments on peer review) an elitist wanker.
I still maintain the primary reason so many Maori exist below the standard of their fellow kiwis in so many important measures is a deliberate strategy by the corporate IWI, the apartheid party and New Zealand’s most corrupt (ever) Attorney General. For if Maori started performing at or close to the benchmarks set by other subgroups, the spigot would be turned off and those scum in the grievance industry would have to find real jobs (or better, throw themselves off a bridge).
Ambushed by Spoonley? Spoonley hardly got a word in – Willie Jackson was in the room!
(In our leftie la-la land, the guy who stands for racial equality always has to be outnumbered by two guys who don’t.)
My angle that got Spoonley’s interest was to point out that Chinese NZers suffered vicious state racism, yet rather than bleat about it their approach was to knuckle down and beat the white man at his own game.
All he could say was that immigrants were typically more industrious and hence those Chinese were not representative of their race.
What bollocks. I’m married to a Taiwanese immigrant and she and most of her friends came here for the relaxing lifestyle. Their kids still excel because it’s the parents’ tradition to value education more highly, and parent more tightly.
But hey, what can you expect from a sociologist/apologist from the Massey joke university?
I’m a simple man, and I’ve long thought that, by now, surely there have been enough Treaty “settlements” for Maori to now be self-funding. But, for example, millions of taxpayer dollars are still spent annually on “the Maori language” . Why isn’t that kind of thing now Maori-funded?
No no Wakey! These things are complex and nuanced and everything.
Sheesh! Next thing, you’ll be thinking it reasonable that rich iwi provide jobs and housing and stuff, for “their people”.
Bloody racist.
KG, please hand Wakey’s IP Address to the Thought Police. He clearly needs some re-education in the Ministry of Love.
And here’s a gift for the piece of shit’s spamming supporters:
get stuffed