Mark Steyn at his most savage–and brilliant.

‘Our Celebrity President’

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9 Responses to Mark Steyn at his most savage–and brilliant.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:


    “These are the people in touch with the needs of ordinary Americans because they have played ordinary Americans in several of their movies.”

  2. KG says:

    Beautiful, isn’t it? :whoop

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    I’ve always wanted to use the word “acerbic”. I suspect this is an appropriate moment?

  4. Flashman says:

    I have to ask the obvious question:

    If one is POTUS you are supposed to be running an Imperial Empire 24/7, so what job description work do you stop doing in order to clear your schedule for back-to-back fundraisers?

  5. kowtow says:

    You’ve just got to love these guys who pretend to be of the people but are part of the elite and by the millions the plebs vote for him!

    I recall his first trip on Airforce One and he meeting the captain, his comment was “This guy’s straight out of casting central.”

    If he defines and sees his world in terms of movies and tinsel town rather than real lived life experience you know you have one shallow bastard in charge

    That’s why not so long ago we had real leaders who had military grow up on,people like Enoch Powell , Churchill, Eienhower, statesmen, not politicians.

  6. Moist von Lipwig says:

    ….And one who most certainly would
    “dip the wrong end of the arugula in the amuse-bouche.” :mrgreen:

  7. WAKE UP says:

    Obama has never not been in campaign mode.