An ominous day for America.

Obamacare stands.

Update: Ronbo has some thoughts on this–what was unthinkable just four years ago is now very ‘thinkable’ indeed……..

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20 Responses to An ominous day for America.

  1. Ronbo says:

    British captain (who notes the American flag has been shot down) “Sir, do you surrender? Do you ask for quarter?”

    John Paul Jones: “I have not yet begun to fight!” (to a U.S. Marine) “Take the flag back to the top.”

  2. MikeH. says:

    Time for the giant to shrug off the covers and go kick some ass.
    I have a size 762 boot that I would love to try out on George Soros… to kick things off.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Justice Roberts needs to be taken out back for his shot. The bright side to this ignominious decision is that it’ll be a rallying point for a campaign against Obama’s reelection…..except that Romney is probably on shakey ground with his past on healthcare reform.

  4. Katie says:


    I think we are seeing the first shots in the Second US Civil War.

    And this time we will get it right!!!!


    • Darin says:

      Niether will I,blood will be spilled first and a lot of it :evil:

    • Ronbo says:

      I have become somewhat of a Cassandra on the issue of civil war, but if you look at the ominous parallels between America in the 1850s (The Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court in 1857 that legalized slavery) and what is going down today, a Second U.S. Civil War seems almost inevitable.

      The country is bitterly divided, compromise is impossible and both the Democrats and Republicans have become radicalized.

      The only possible endgame to determine whether the country is free or slave is civil war.

  5. KG says:

    Francis Porretto:
    “..That halting, choking sound you hear is the Cheyne-Stokes breathing of
    the last remaining remnant of Americans’ individual liberty.

    The Republic has fallen. Let him save himself who can.”

    • Ronbo says:


      No doubt some journalist said exactly the same thing in 1857 when the U.S. Supreme Court legalized slavery.

      …and we know how that decision turned out.

  6. KG says:

    For several years I’ve been saying we’re at war, it’s just that most people don’t recognise or won’t accept it.
    We are at war.

    • Ronbo says:


      Ditto…since 2005 in my case.

      We have been called “Cassandras” because no one wanted to believe our horrible predictions of war and death.

      However, judging by the massive numbers of hits on my humble little blog on just about every article on CW II that I’ve posted over last seven years, the public is at last waking up to grim reality of civil war and mega deaths.

      I like to think we bloggers have finally got the sleeping giant of liberty to open one eye…

  7. So now the government in “the land of the free” can force you to buy a product? Unbelievable…

  8. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, 0bamacare is a tax, according to the Supremes. 0bama therefore gets his way. This is exactly what it was always going to be – the first step towards a centralized, fully socialised Europe-style (and NZ, and Aus) government run single-payer health system.

    The only sad thing, to me anyway, is that there won’t be time between now and November for 0bamacare to kick in, because then people would know the glory of government-run health care and even a wet RINO like Romney would carry an easy victory. It is nevertheless now vitally important for every decision of the Death Panel to be publicized, and every unnecessary death used as a rallying call for good people to throw these bums out come November, so the Congress can get on with repealing this law and start the long, arduous task of putting the Republic back together.

    That whirring sound you’re hearing is James Madison spinning in his grave at the thought of this group of Supremes allowing 0bama to use the constitution as toilet paper.

    How is it possible that Franklin knew in 1787 exactly what Mendacious politicians and immoral, undeserving voters (over many decades, beginning at least with the election of Hoover) would do to the Republic when he uttered those words “if you can keep it”?

    This era is definitely the era of post-Comstitutional America. The question now is, whether Americans want a constitutional republic or a broke, broken Europe (and Aus and NZ) style nation of bludgers?

    • Ronbo says:

      I don’t worry about Americans seeing first hand the “glory” of Obamacare, because long before it kicks in the USA will either be in the middle of CW II, or falling apart like Ayn Rand predicted in ATLAS SHRUGGED.

      In either case, the world is headed at full speed for Germany’s “Year Zero” of 1945 – only this time without a Marshal Plan to prime the pump. This will be the repeat of the breakup of Communism in Eastern Europe and Russia for a global scale.

      …The entire world is in the same crash drive into the hard rocks…

      It’s called Mutually Assured Economic Destruction (MAED) – in other words, the socialists of the planet have linked all the world’s economies together on the theory that they were “too big to fail” lavish welfare state spending- even if the unthinkable happened and one economy did go belly up – say Greece for example – the EU would save them. The “reserve force” for the EU would be The Federal Reserve system of the USA….and then there is always the Asian economies and NZ and Australia. etc., etc.

      Well, we saw how well that “too big to fail” thingy worked out in 2008.

      But the upside to this massive global “reset to capitalism” will be a better world….Just think…in bunker somewhere in the wilds of Australia, or deep in the Rocky Mountains of the America, a hardy band of survivors will come out into the sunshine. No doubt they will survey the ruins in silence for a few moments until someone says, “I think we won! Then hand in hand they will march back into the ruins of great cities, bury the dead and start all over again, after first swearing to one another, “Boy, we’ll never try socialism again!”

      The trouble this that most of the people reading these lines – including myself – will be dead and long gone in the wars, terrorism, starvation and disease that always herald the birth of “brave new worlds.”

  9. Pascal says:

    Listen to Mark Levin in live stream. He is taking on Roberts and George Will and Charles Krauthammer. Maybe he’s allowed to say the things he’s saying to make me and others feel better so that we don’t blow up; but even if that is the case, I love hearing him tonight.

    That will replay after every 3 hours until tomorrow’s show. Or pick up the podcast or mp3 file at his website.

  10. tyranny creeps in when HIStory is forgotten (or no longer taught as is the case for the US public school systems) – and the debacle was planned by the Deweys and Alinsky-ites of the world- many were and are still asleep!


  11. Romney promises to repeal it, seems that’s one option.

    Either way the people are on their own as usual. They’re going to have to wake up and take out the trash by themselves.

  12. Rufus says:

    “Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wilders – all of them had been reviled around the world as Islamophobes for stating these same facts.

    But on that evening at De Balie it was almost as if none of these critics of Islam had ever opened their mouths.”

    When will the tide of public opinion finally turn? None so blind as those who will not see. Shame, but the country of my birth will be lost to the Muslims, I fear.

  13. Rufus says:

    crud – wrong thread, sorry. Meant to go to Open House. :oops: