Moonrise at sunset in the bush:

A Gecko pic
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4 Responses to Moonrise at sunset in the bush:

  1. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!OMG!!!That looks like the same moon yrs trly sees up here!!!Do you have the same moon yrs trly does? Or is this BlackBerry “shootin’ the moon” at Earth?OMG my former klassmate@Harvurd tho yrs trly nor anyone else in our klass recall d gentleman but at d same time yrs trly has located BlackBerry’s grades behind his crapper & they are all D’ n F’s@a madrassa in Indonesia – is that a kuntry near you peopl in our 56th N 57th steaks ah fuk what d hell tata, yrs trly HarvardPotatoHead n d oval orifice.

  2. Contempt says:

    Would you just shut up HPH?

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Nah contempt, you have it all wrong. Mr Potato Head is our inside spud in the squared circle of an Oval. He went to Harvard with His Imperial Majesty, Blackberry the First, and is in a Sekrit mission to bring us Blackberry’s grades, reports, published articles or any evidence at all that Blackberry did anything at Harvard except snort coke with the rich white kids.

    He has a side agenda to rescue our friend Southern from Gitmo, but we are keeping that one on the down-low in case King Blackberry finds out.

    BTW, I’ve found a picture of His Imperial Majesty practicing for the year’s Trick or Treat: