Warmist propaganda

‘What global warming looks like’   says the headline.
‘IF you want a glimpse of some of the worst of global warming, scientists suggest taking a look at U.S. weather in recent weeks.
Horrendous wildfires. Oppressive heat waves. Devastating droughts. Flooding from giant deluges. And a powerful freak wind storm called a derecho…’
Buried deep in the article, though, is a carefully worded disclaimer. These bastards know full well that most people remember only the headline and the images.
‘The weather bureau says temperatures in Alice Springs dropped to their lowest in 10 years this morning.’
‘Outback freezes’
‘Adelaide endures wettest, coldest June in 56 years’
And that’s just a few of the reports of freakishly cold weather.

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12 Responses to Warmist propaganda

  1. Oswald Bsatable says:

    BIG earthquake! All ok here :o

  2. KG says:

    Well, I’ll be……I said to Gecko about an hour ago that it looks as though the faults are lighting up, after looking at the ‘quake site!

    Glad you’re ok Oswald. :smile:

  3. Katie says:

    Every 10 years or so the US has a drought and high temps like this. Once again the idiots are screaming The sky is falling! It isn’t falling. Just a seasonal drought compounded by La Nina.

    • mawm says:

      When it was severe winter storms across most of Europe and the US……..it’s only weather folks. Now that its warm….It’s Climate change!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Diamond Mair says:

    KG, did you see this idjit? :shock: http://moonbattery.com/?p=13596 {watch starting at 1:31}

    I’m just glad we Yanks aren’t the only ones with pols who NEED to be on Thorazine/Compazine/Stelazine ………………………………. ;-)

    Semper Fi’

    • Darin says:

      DM,I think this is one of those times where it’s a question of is it too many or not enough drugs?

      That guy is bonkers on a Nancy Pelosi scale :shock:

  5. Contempt says:

    It’s hotter than a three balled tomcat where i am.

  6. kowtow says:

    This a.m on tv3 nz,they had the met service guy on.
    The blond who runs the show mentions in turn….south island cold,england wet,america hot…..and speculates climate chnge/The expert says yes with increased water in the atmosphere we willhave increased extreme events.

    Great now that the god of global warming has been acknowledged we can get down to the real scientific reasons for what’s happening with the weather and he talks about Pacific el nino,la nina. Likewise similar happens in the Atlantic and then he discusses the blocked jet stream. I recall previous “extreme”events linked to the jetstream.

    No climate change,no man made global warming. Just climate and weather. As it is, so it always was and will be,Amen.

    And last night I watched that idiot Te Radar in Kiribati on tv1.Another darling site of the alarmists.(kiribati and tuvalu) Lots of talk about climate change,tough conditions,refugees ,planting mangroves…….no evidence of sea level rises though. Waste of time other than to see they won’t manage their own environment and want truck loads of foreign aid….that’s what it’s all about. In a world where shit holes have to compete for our politicians largesse with our taxes the biggest screamer is likely to get noticed……kachingo$$$$$

  7. I remember being repeatedly told by warmists that, “WEATHER ISN’T CLIMATE!!!”…. Except when it suits….