Equality is now discrimination

‘DOJ lawsuit: Physical test for police officers discriminates against women
These people don’t want equality–what they want is discrimination for favoured groups at the expense of the white middle class. Especially the male white middle class.

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18 Responses to Equality is now discrimination

  1. kowtow says:

    I have a huge problem with “equality”.Once upon atime it related to political rights ie one man one vote etc and within reason that’s where equality should have remained.

    Now this is agreat example of how stupid the whole thing has become. They demand equal pay for equal work etc but they also demand easier entry requirements WTF

    This shit has been happening all over the west. It is out of control and downright ridiculous.

  2. Mistress Mara. says:

    Just wait till the dwarfs’ rights assoc. gets involved. They’ll have to drop the height requirement to 3 foot 3. Jesus wept!

    • Darin says:

      Ahem… you mean the “height challenged”don’t you? Those midgets…I mean Height challenged folks can be pretty mean little buggers when they want to. :grin:

  3. kowtow says:

    In NZ they overcome that “problem” in the physical. Men have to do a side ways jump,arm extended to a certain point. Shorties could never do it. That ensures height remains ,tacitly, an entry requirement.
    Women of course don;t have to jump as high………equality you see.

  4. KG says:

    “roaming free”… :lol: Conjures up visions of feral breasts, roaming the back alleys in search of prey.
    Or is that just my twisted mind?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yes. Although I have come across my share of those which roam in search of prey. Back in my younger days. When prey I was considered.

  5. KG says:

    sigh..these days, we’re roadkill rather than prey….. :roll:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’ve found, for a while now actually, that no matter how far or fast I run, how beautifully I duck and weave, they just refuse to chase any more.

  6. octagongrappler says:

    I see by 2020 in NZ 70% of university graduates will be women. The femininst retort was it should be ability and so be it if 100% are women, yet they call for 50% women on corporate boards and womens only scholarships!!

    Also they are saying that not enough women are in trades or engineering? Yet no push to get more male teachers or nurses.

    I personally think we need more female labourers on building sites? Oh thats right its low status and low paid so POWER is at the root of this movement!! :rant :rant