WHY are we footing the bill for this?

Rescuers search for stricken asylum boat
THE navy’s HMAS Wollongong has raced to the area where the boat – believed to be carrying 130 to 180 asylum seekers – issued a distress call about 4.30am AEST on Wednesday.
…Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare earlier said the boat was believed to be about 50 nautical miles south of Indonesia.
“Stricken” my arse–these people are now leaving port in Indonesia, sabotaging their boats and almost immediately ringing the Australian Navy to come and pick them up.
This dysfunctional, illegitimate government has a lot to answer for, and come the elections they’re going to be wiped out.
And so-called “refugee advocates”–who are in fact advocating a soft line on illegal immigrants–are either criminal troughers who ought to be locked up or so mind-numbingly dimwitted that they need to be put into care for their own safety.

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12 Responses to WHY are we footing the bill for this?

  1. Mistress Mara. says:

    I wonder if anyone has bothered asking Indo. what happened to the patrol boats that Aust. donated to them in 06? You know, the boats that were designed exactly for the purpose of saving “distressed, drowning refugees” in their own territorial waters.
    Also does anyone seriously believe that the smugglers organising these country shopping trips fear their clients being towed back to Indo?
    All the talk of rolling the cancerous Gillard next election impresses me not at all. If I had cancer, I’d want surgery now, not next year. KG, “stricken my arse” is quite poetic in its simplicity and truth. It made me smile. ;-)

  2. Darin says:

    This wouldn’t be the same scam Castro used to pull with putting boat loads of criminals to sea heading for Miami would it?

    It’s a great way to solve prison overcrowding for them,give them a choice,prison at home or a lifeboat lottery to Australia.We are talking Indonesia the” land that influenced”Obama the most after all.

  3. Katie says:

    I suppose blowing the boats out of the water is out of the question?

  4. Mistress Mara. says:

    Darin. I suspect that Obama’s Indo. is so chaotic and corrupt that they don’t give a shit about a few drownings here and there but enjoy the fact that Australia is crawling and grovelling and showing great weakness in this, and other areas. Muslim Indo. typically plays a long game. The West does not understand this yet.

  5. Mistress Mara. says:

    Katie. “I suppose blowing the boats out of the water is out of the question?”
    Bless. :mrgreen: :

  6. KG says:

    ‘Asylum seekers to be taken to Australia
    …The boat was located about 110 kilometres southwest of West Java and 370km northwest of Christmas Island, inside Indonesia’s search and rescue region.
    …However, a spokesman for the Indonesian search and rescue agency BASARNAS told AAP the asylum-seeker vessel was being escorted to Christmas Island.
    “They said that they don’t want to go back to Indonesian waters and as for now, they’re on their way to Christmas Island guarded by HMAS Wollongong,” he said.

    Words fail.

  7. kowtow says:

    Why? Very simple. Human rights. Like “equality” it is the new absolute standard applied to and only to the west.

    Western politicians of all shades would shit themselves in public rather vthan be seen to be on the wrong side of uman rights.And the press representing God knows who would make sure that any pollie who says otherwise would be crucified.

    So Ozzie taxpayer,till your pollies grow a pair you’re f3cked and gonna keep payin for Abdool to overwhelm your borders.

  8. Brian Smaller says:

    I think it is just another example of infidels paying a form of jizya.

  9. nigel201065 says:

    FFS i wish they would stop calling them asylum seekers they are illegal immigrants they should be escorted back to Indonesia which is a reasonably safe place to live what the Indonesians dont do is provide these people housing, free money and 24/7 leisure time as there is no need to work

  10. KG says:

    :whoop spot on!