Not satire…your future has arrived.

‘A new study funded by the Department of Homeland Security characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists…’   source
The Patriot Act, DHS and TSA were NEVER about “fighting terrorism”. What they’re about is controlling, cowing and conditioning the population. They are as much the enemy as radical islamists, and may actually pose a greater threat to liberty.

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23 Responses to Not satire…your future has arrived.

  1. KG says:

    How come nobody ever asks Presidential candidates if they will roll back these assaults on liberty if elected?

    • mawm says:

      Because they are too busy trying to find out what his/her religious views are and whether or not he/she will allow a teenager can get an unwanted pregnancy aborted. Two intensely personal and private issues trump personal freedom any day. /sarc

  2. KG says:

    Sounds right. :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    Hmmmm…I just bought two gallons of Tea,a six pack of Rootbeer(brown bottle of course),10 Ribeye steaks,four Cucumbers,six Tomatos,one jar Olive salad,two cans baked beans,salad fixings,steak sauce(A1 and LePerrins) a bag of Cole slaw,10lbs of Charcoal and paid cash……I must be planning something big… might even have something to do with the July 4th holiday :roll:

    Using cash to pay for a cup of coffee a terrorist act-

  4. time to get rid of the mind set that led to the DHS! and then get rid of the govt agencies
    -esp the DHS!!!


  5. Katie says:

    I am a proud member of the Right-Wing Extremist Terror Group (GOP). We will take back the nation on November 6, 2012. And there is nothing B. Hussein can do about it!


    • KG says:

      You won’t take it back in November, Katie. At best, you’ll take it from Obama and hand it to Romney.

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    “Government’s natural relationship to power is much the same as man’s natural relationship to sex: it wants as much as possible from as many people as it can get to give it up.”

    “Socialists like Obama, corrupt opportunists like Harry Reid, and blithering leftist idiots like Nancy Pelosi have to be made to face the only thing that frightens the,: the loss of power.”

    Happy Dependence Day

    • KG says:

      ‘But never mind. If the people have become corrupted in their hearts, if they have lost the will for self-governance, if they have abandoned their traditions of liberty and turned their backs on the sacrifices of their dead, not even nine principled judges can ultimately save them from the poisoned pill of government “generosity.” ‘

      Absolutely. The problem is not that a tyrannical government has stolen the people’s freedom–it’s that the people have either willingly handed it over or slept while it was taken. And such people will never fight to restore what they so casually abandoned.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        It’s a beautiful paragraph, all the more so for its truth.

        In ’08 millions were charmed by hope, change and coffee-colored skin. Millions more were repulsed at the thought of having to pull the lever for the most liberal RINO in the senate. Those two combined gifted His Imperial Majesty the prize. Let’s see if a combination of the desire for liberty and the revulsion at European-style bankrupt socialism can reverse the course in ’12.

        • KG says:

          We’ll see–but I’m not hopeful. Too many people now depend on welfare, and they feel no revulsion at all for Euro-style socialism. They’ll quite happily continue to loot the shrinking productive sector until the money finally runs out.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            I think you’re right – too many people now receiving the government protection money.

            But, it’s taken decades to get to this point, and it will take deades to get back – if the people want to get back – to the original intent of the US.

      • mawm says:

        “We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”

        -Allegedly said by Soviet Leader Nikita Khrushchev, 1959

  7. KG says:

    Decades–or the gun.

  8. Darin says:

    I heard today that our local Paint factory is shutting down after 78 years in business.Other plants have cut shifts and some are idling back.It’s not looking good,I expect a double dip recession worst than the last one if not an all out collapse.Attitudes are changing,people are looking down the barrel now more than ever the government checks are running out.

    Geithner is talking about another round of Quantitative Easing(electronic vapor currency)adding to the $1.6t we have already put up to back the Euro.Romney needs to jump on that one and hang it around Obama’s neck.

  9. K2 says:

    The fact that the sheep like population has agreed to have their genitals groped or stand nude in the x ray machine while a petty bureaucrat ogles them in exchange for a tiny decrease in statistical safety tells you everything you need to know about where the US is now.

    If you’re not the home of the brave, you sure as shooting aren’t going to be the land of the free.

  10. Oswald Bsatable says:

    ‘how do you know she’s a witch?’

    ‘cos she looks like one!’

    Except it was funny when Monty Python did it…

  11. The Gantt Guy says:

    Happy Birthday, USA! Here’s a message from a great American to remind us that it’s always darkest right before the dawn:

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Wondering why His Imperial Majesty turned NASA into a Moslem outreach program? This guy reckons he has the answer…

  13. The Gantt Guy says:

    Gov. Palin: “Nancy Pelosi is a dingbat” (the Governor is a nice person who doesn’t use the kind of words I would to describe Pelosi Galore. Ding bat is just too insulting to ding bats. Moonbat? Maybe. But still too few 4-letter words, given what Pelosi and Reid and His Imperial Majesty have done, and are doing, to the citizens of the US).

    Also from Governor Palin: Mark Levin for Veep!

  14. The Gantt Guy says:

    This Independence Day, Chicago gangster David Axelrod is thankful for the “great gifs (sic) of freedom”

    In his case, the freedom to be a freedom-hating utopian statist wanker, and Chicago thug gangster!