A supposedly conservative Australian, commenting on youth violence, concludes with this:
“Fighting back against this violence and social disintegration will be like (and involve more than) paying tax to provide services for the community. It will require a small surrender of some liberties of all for the common good.”
No no no bloody NO! Bolt. It will require finding the perps, bringing them to trial and imposing realistic penalties. What you’re suggesting is nothing less than collective punishment in order to control a tiny thuggish minority. Get stuffed. If you don’t love liberty then shut up and get out of the way. (and you must be blind to irony, calling that post “the dregs of freedom”!)
It’s another indicator of what I suspected for a very long time. Visible embers of the “Right,” who we’ve come to expect staunch defender of age old principles, will, one at a time, abandon those principles in order to keep their jobs with Statist authorized media.
Only todayI commented on Selwyn Duke criticizing Bill O’Reilly for his recent whittling on gun rights (while pounding a real conservative congressman), and rightly so. But at the same time, Mr. Duke ignored ally Michael Savage calling for banning body armor and large magazines.
To be fair, Mr. Duke answered me that he strongly disagrees with Dr. Savage, but that at least Savage isn’t as ill-informed as is O’Reilly. Mr. Doc thought maybe the Doc can be walked back. If my surmise of what we are witnessing is correct, Mr. Duke better not get too close to Dr. Savage or he may get bit.
Can Mr. Bolt also be seen as ill-informed? Somehow I don’t think that is his problem either.
The most unlikely of traitors may give you a peek at their treachery, and then blame you for their full betrayal because you dared question them on the little thing. It’s funny how people want to believe they are not the problem. Celebrities on the Right are little different from those on the Left, we simply haven’t gotten accustomed to their showing their true stripes.
As always, I pray I am wrong in my surmise.
Mr. Duke (not Mr Doc)
Visible members (not embers, or not yet anyway )
:wtf The hoard of little unwashed,illiterate,criminally minded cretins that are the very result of that attitude in the first place is running amok and you want to take away some of my freedoms?Oh hell no :rant
You want to control youth crime?
#1 Lower the age of criminal culpability to age 10
#2 Post the offenders names and their family’s names in the media
#3 Actually PUNISH convicted offenders by making them pay back society i.e. hard,physical labor.
#4 If found and convicted of being a murdering rotten little thug……..fire up the woodchipper
I just read Bolt’s blog entry a few minutes ago and immediately went into some kind of anaphylactic reaction. He really does not get it. I’d go one further than Darin: Reverse the abysmal Howard gun laws and allow Australians to carry firearms and to defend themselves and their families again. The little scumbags will soon either settle down or assume room temperature.
It’s so fucking simple!
‘Let those of mature age, sound judgement and good moral standing own such weapons as they see fit to purchase in defence of family, property and community.”
To elaborate- you must be:
A citizen
Not convicted or on trial for a crime other than a misdemeanor. (something carrying a penalty of a defined term- probably two years jail)
Of sound mind.
Having passed a course of instruction on the safe and proper use of firearms and the legalities of using them in defense of the above. (like the CCW permits in the sensible US states.)
Yes, the way things are going in this country, it is beginning to look like the uncounted millions of firearms in the hands of private citizens and civil war may be the only things standing between liberty and tyranny. :gunner
Yes and Yes,you are both right.I was looking at the high end of the slippery slope.The same one we slid down here.It’s a tactic of the left to let kids run wild and they use it early on since it’s the fastest way to begin breeding generations of welfare class tax abusers to vote themselves pay raises from the dole.
When I hear the words, “Please Mr. Ronbo surrender a few more SMALL liberties,” from a Leftist pig, I let slip the safety on my Colt .45 automatic pistol.