‘Study: Plastic Bag Bans Have Harsh Economic, Environmental Impact
….The study notes that “most thin-film plastic bags are made in the United States, and the plastics manufacturing industry employs more than 30,000 people directly and many more indirectly.” In contrast, “most reusable bags are imported.”
…NCPA further challenges the supporters’ entire reasoning for banning plastic bags: that plastic bags deal woe to the environment. In terms of energy produced, the study notes that plastic bags require 182,361 kcal but recover “2,581.3 through combustion.”
However, paper bags fare far worse, observing that they require “three times as much energy consumption as plastic bags (626,672.9 kcal), whereas only 6,859.5 kcal can be recovered through consumption.”
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The Eco-Nazis took away our paper bags saying that they destroyed the forests, now plastic. What will we use now?
You think they’re gonna let you buy your own food? In a future not too distant, sustenance will be delivered by government-appointed nutritionists, using Moochelle’s “Let Them Eat Cake” food progam. You will be allowed sufficient food for the registered members of your household to survive from the time of the delivery, to the time of the next delivery.
See how easy it is when you let those more powerful and intelligent make all those decisions that are destroying so many today? No more Macdonalds. No more Burger King. No more Big Gulps. Life is easy.
Love my indoor garden. Fresh veggies all year round.
Plus gave up McDonalds, etc…
Yes, and well you should. Good for you.
But Moochelle wants to force *everyone* to give up Macdonalds, etc. If someone chooses a Big Mac and Fries (SuperSized, of course) for dinner 4 times a week, then that’s their choice. Provided they can find an insurance company stupid enough to take them on.
Oh they want you to start using canvas bags. But then what happens? A fertile breeding ground for bugs.
Aye, Elijah. I see that a number of diseases are very easily spread by re-usable “green” bags.
Can the Greens find yet more ways of impoverishing, inconveniencing or killing people? My bet is they can.
This one directly affects me since one of our biggest customers where I work is a Plastic film manufacturer.
The Plant I do R&R for compounds the raw plastic and produces pellets that later go on to become grocery bags,lawn bags and trash bags.
This is an industry that has been demonised by the envirowacks for decades mostly by disinformation and outright lies.
One of the biggest is how much fossil fuel AKA oil is used to produce plastic bags.They arrive at a bogus number by simply looking at the number of tons of these bags are produced annually and extrapolating that directly into tons of Oil.
Nothing could be further from the truth.With the price of oil,many years ago the industry looked to make formulations that used less oil (resin) and more filler also with an eye to biodegradability.The solution was to add powdered calcium to the formulations as a filler.So today the bulk of the weight of a plastic bag is powdered limestone and not resin.In Fact the company I work for produces a formulation that is 89% calcium 4% color 2% additives and only 5% resin.
So take whatever number they are pushing these days,multiply by .05 and there you have it,the truth.
Cool! Great ammunition with which to attack the next greenwit who opens his mouth around me. :popcorn
Thanks, Darin.