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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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And from the department of symbols that must be airbrushed out of public consciousness comes this which will make your blood boil if I’m any judge
You’re right, Andrei. I’m getting pretty effing sick of these “atheist groups” who claim that they’re merely demanding the separation of church and state, when in fact their actions are (very) thinly disguised attacks on Christianity.
Funny, isn’t it, how they never demand the same separation of the two from muslims, whose “religion” is in fact a totalitarian ideology?
They have a comprehension problem. (Along with many other problems including body odour, unkempt hair, rotting teeth, no money and less brains.)
Nobody ever taught them at school the difference between ‘from’ and ‘of.’
As far as I know, the American constitution does not promise the citizens of the United States ‘freedom from religion.’ If it did, Al Gore could have been shut down years ago.
The separation claims by the left are another misreading of the Constitution by the left just like they misread the 2nd Amendment.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
They read an (a) into the space between (of) and (religion),As it was written and intended to be implemented it is inclusive and not exclusive.ALL religions are free to be practiced even one devoid of faith in a deity.
Hows it go? “He who controls the language controls the culture”
Example of our new world the olympics applies to topic: http://www.traditioninaction.org/History/G_020_Olympics.html
Up until now I’ve had a pretty relaxed “live and let live” view concerning atheists.
That’s rapidly changing, since militant atheists have become no more than a front for the anti-Christian left.
Interesting, ani’t it that they get so emotional over a cross being displayed in a (nominally, but a lot less nominally than AUS or NZ) Christian country, but they’re silent about the religious symbols and practices of Moslems in Moslem countries. Like this, for example:
Or this
What other useless symbol? I only see one and he is the moving target.
Interestingly, Mark Levin’s Daily Poll today is asking which of the Dems is the bigger drag on the ticket.
So ar, 84% of people think the Community Organiser In Chief is the bigger drag. I guess that’s because Uncle Joe is just stupid, whereas his boss is evil.
Oh, and here’s some loving from the ever-tolerant Left (for those who think the political discourse is sinking, the perpetrator in the vid is 83 years old):
I’m sure if the media gets hold of it, they’ll spin it that an 83 year-old grandma was assaulted and kicked out of the Romney rally.
!!!R U talking about BlackBerry young man??!!!The vast majority of work here in BlackBerry’s underground 169, 666 sq ft complex seems 2 B devoted to getting out the vote. Word is that BlackBerry will issue an execootive odor establishing the continent of Africa as the 61st Steak. Ballots are being printed at a fast and furious pace! Currency with BlackBerry’s face is being printed on one side only to save time B4 D erection. U cannot make this up!!!OOOMMMGG!!!here comes Diplomatic Pouch bitchin about her pouch not being on the note instead of BlackBerry’s. & they keep talking about D Bog Administraitor’s “Family Jewels.” Must shoot out of here N check my lottery ticket!!tataYrs V. Trly HarvardPotatoHead
OT: Seven Navy Seals killed in Helio crash Afganistan-four Afganis also killed in crash-
Two more US soldiers killed by Afgani Policemen at swearing in-
All too common now,and I don’t think the Helio was due to mechanical failure
symbols of the new hope …wind !…and full of wind…both epic failures.
I stumbled across an excellent essay written by Dr. Alveda King about Dr Martin Luther King (registered Republican), black Americans and Democrats:
But one of the golden nuggets it contains:
“Today, Democrats, in pursuit of their socialist agenda, are fighting to keep blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats.”