‘An Obama administration official reportedly attended a Monday meeting with Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) officials to work on banning any speech that “associates Islam or Islamists to violence.” The official was U.S. Consul General in Jeddah Anne Casper, and the meeting took place in Saudi Arabia. It apparently matters not that “Islamic terrorists have carried out over 19,000 deadly attacks in the name of Islam since the 9-11 attacks in New York,” Washington DC, and Pennsylvania. The meeting was advertised as a “Symposium on Defamation of Islam.”..’
Muslims are violent, backward assholes who cannot be trusted to live peacefully in the West. Their “religion” is no such thing–it’s a murderous totalitarian ideology which is incompatible with civilized values and norms. How the hell is it possible to “defame” them?
So sue me, you goat-humping murdering inbred bastards.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Crusader Rabbit, I agree with you. I think that white western countries who let mosllems live in them are committng suicide.
Thanks Barry. I’m just amazed that more people don’t see that. (although, relying on the MSM for information as they mostly do, perhaps it’s not so surprising really)
I look for instances when the ‘liberals’ come directly up against Islamism. Here in Canada a few days ago a lesbian went to a Muslim barber shop and was refused and it’s going before the Human Rights Commission. Gotta see what happens with that one! (Hint the dyke will lose.)
Yet they still will support the Islamists.
A nice dilemma for the HRC, Dallas.
Last night I saw a “news” item is which some left-wing-nuts tried to pretend that anti-muslim statements were “racist”. Islam (supporters are muslims) is not a race, It is a “religion” (using that term in the loosest possible way). It is more like a savage cult used to justify acts of cruel barbarity even against its own female followers.
It is, in fact, a totalitarian political ideology which uses the imagery and language of a religion so as to dupe its followers and to obtain the protection of the West’s quaint “anti-vilification” laws.
Perhaps I’ll change my name to Ender Wiggin, because I firmly believe that Islam should be treated at least as harshly as smallpox was – eradicated completely and irrevocably.