Drag racing..”Palestinian” style:

Yep, that’s the body of yet another they’ve murdered.

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18 Responses to Drag racing..”Palestinian” style:

  1. Urban Redneck says:

    It ABSOLUTELY ASTOUNDS me at how the doctrinaire Left turn a blind eyes and deaf ears to these savages – to be so delusional to see it as a classic Marxist victim/oppressor scenario.

    They don’t understand that it is they who’ll have their throats cut and spend their last few frantic seconds thrashing around in a bloodied pit (on top of all the homosexuals who’d been done first)

  2. KG says:

    Urban Redneck, they’re kind of stuck, aren’t they? Between their Marxist leanings and adoration of multiculturalism on one hand, and the reality of the savagery of those they support on the other.
    So, faced with utterly irreconcilable contradictions, they fall back on selective deafness and blind faith.
    And that makes them a very dangerous and destructive adversary.

  3. That is so sick, but liberals just love these people; yes, let’s feel sorry for the so-called Palestinian victims. On another sad note, Allen West has just conceded he has lost.

    • KG says:

      West’s loss is a real downer, Conservative, especially since there’s so much evidence that vote fraud got his opposition over the line.
      The GOP is going to have to find people like West, Palin and Bachmann in four years if they’re to have any hope at all of firing up their base, rather than simply compromising conservative principles and hoping to poach Dem voters. (Which simply won’t work anyway).

  4. Darin says:

    Seeing that picture I can’t help but wonder how many of those animals I could take off those bikes with my .30-06 :twisted:

  5. erikter says:

    Savages and barbarians that should be wiped out by Israel.

    • KG says:

      Instead we shovel cash and supplies to them, in the name of “humanitarian” assistance, erikter. :vomit

  6. Hey, I have an idea; let’s import these Palestinian victims to New Zealand and give them welfare! That will make them love us.

  7. mistress mara says:

    Language alone really has limitations doesn’t it. Say savages, barbarians, primitives etc. all you like and what happens? Action, on the other hand, speaks louder than words. I believe it is well over time for Israel to :gunner blow Gaza off the map. Long term I’m not so sure as Israel, shamefully, has too few friends ,but hell if I lived there, I’d rather go out with a murderous roar than a whimper.

    • KG says:

      “..but hell if I lived there, I’d rather go out with a murderous roar than a whimper.”
      Amen! to that.

      • Darin says:

        Yes indeed,I’ve said it for years,what the Arabs and Muslims need to remember is Israel has nukes and from what I have seen Israeli stuff works! :twisted:

  8. Seneca III says:

    It’s all a bit of drag, really. :shock:

    Still, mustard on mustard has to be a better deal than mustard on non-mustard. :mrgreen:

  9. john says:

    Not that this or similar images would come within a million miles of the MSM but if it did I think one could almost anticipate the headline.
    “Concerned Palestinians transport victim of Israeli terror bombing to hospital for emergency head transplant.” :vomit

  10. Kpete says:

    Hmmm… Pretty hard for them to get their hands on a combatant. I would guess the poor bugger is a Palestinian who probably had some support for the israelis or spoke out against the local Hamas henchmen :gunner

    Sooner Israel take back Gaza – or turn it into a parking lot the better