Importing sewage:

‘The new normal:
Mustapha’s brother Mohammad Dib, 34, who has spent at least eight years in jail for car rebirthing and his role in trying to cover up his brother’s role in the Lee murder, told Fairfax Media they are a ‘’normal family despite a few murders and shit’’.
‘A street that shamed our immigration policies’
The cowardly  “progressive” proponents of multiculturalism very seldom address these problems. If they get a mention, it’s always to point out that these people are a minority. Yet a minority is quite capable of tearing apart the fabric of society.

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7 Responses to Importing sewage:

  1. RWT says:

    Only when these beautiful folk are committing just a few murders and shit on the proponents of multiculturalism will they get it.

    Mind you with the 20 large we’re now supporting thanks to the glorious labor party, the multiculturalists might finally get what they wished for.

  2. Findalis says:

    OK. I’m just a dumb yank woman, but what the hell is car rebirthing and is it as painful as human birth?


    • KG says:

      It’s taking a wrecked car, stealing another and using the wreck’s identification on the stolen one, Findalis.

  3. john says:

    The family that slays together stays together… :twisted:

  4. KG says:

    It’s the Lebanese muslim way….