Bill Whittle

Via Francis Porretto’s ‘Liberty’s Torch’

The whole thing is brilliant. At about 8 minutes, Whittle sums up perfectly what ought to be an American President’s response to primitive savages.

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12 Responses to Bill Whittle

  1. Darin says:

    Oh Hell yes!Whittle2016! :grin:

  2. KG says:

    I wish!

  3. mistress mara says:

    That video is a bright spot in an otherwise barren landscape . Trouble is, your leftie neighbour voter will never see him/Whittle and ultimately, whose fault would that be? Whittle is right, the GOP fucked this up and to the winner goes the spoils. It was ever so.

    • Darin says:

      Ah,but I have made it my lifes work to anoy my lefty neighbor :twisted:

      It’s starting to work,I’ve got her kids listening to Bach instead of Beiber :popcorn

  4. Kris K says:

    Man I’d love to see Benghazi Barry up against Whittle in a debate. I reckon he’d be screaming for mommy to come and change him to his brown britches about 5.5 nano-seconds after Whittle opened his mouth.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: You may bet on that!
      Where have you been, by the way? I’ve missed your contribution to theological questions. ;-)

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Refreshingly honest and direct. The MSM couldn’t abide this delivery.

  6. KG says:

    Nowhere near nuanced enough for their liking, Cad. In other words too few weasel words?

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    I find Mr Whittle truly inspirational. The political sphere of any western nation would benefit from having someone of his character, integrity and honesty in office.

    I find myself disagreeing with him, on one point. At the beginning of his speech, he claims to not have the temperament or qualifications to run for political office. I disagree with that, and cite as evidence the statements he makes in the remainder of his speech. He is eminently qualified to both run for and succeed at high political office, provided he doesn’t let “mentors” or “guides” get in the way.

    Incidentally, I had an intriguing exchange with Mr Whittle on Facebook a couple of weeks ago (before the Day of Shame) and asked him when he would emulate his friend Scott Ott and run for office. He claimed he won’t run, and won’t serve if elected. A man of character and integrity, I guess.

  8. Kpete says:

    I love Bill – have done since Kim Du Toit put me on to him almost 10 years ago … but damn! that hair… he’s gotta sort it out. :wtf

  9. KG says:

    I only care about what’s under that hair, Kpete.