Flee! Flee for your lives!!

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17 Responses to Flee! Flee for your lives!!

  1. Pascal says:

    I haven’t seen “When World’s Collide” since I was about 7 years old. It sucked then and sucks now even more. But doesn’t suck nearly so much as our political charlatans.

  2. KG says:

    Ain’t that the truth!
    The levels of stupidity, deviousness and just plain asshattery of leftists almost beggar belief. And the pricks are producing plenty more foul little rabid lemmings just like them, via welfare and the marxist school system. In a civilized world they wouldn’t be allowed to breed.

  3. KG says:

    hmmmm…6pm and still 41.1c here. Must be time for a beer.

  4. mistress mara says:

    I would look out the window if Gingery Dullard told me the sky was blue. :roll:

  5. KG says:

    Me too. Gawd, I hate that faux Aussie accent the little Welsh cow uses!

    • Darin says:

      For some reason latenight TV here is filled with commercials hocking products all of them by folks with faux Aussie accents.I don’t know why they think the phony accent is going to convience anybody to buy something.

      Maybe she can get a job hocking hair removal cream on TV when she’s fired from her current job?

      Oh,wait that would make me guilty of Meshonjennyhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  6. Pascal says:

    There are times I know Ace is too much of a SKUNC. But like all Right side SKUNCs he is not lacking in his abilities.

    Here is a parallel explanation for why Gillard and all the other charlatans are backing CAGW bullshit. http://minx.cc/?post=336474

    It’s a short intro and you will quickly understand the connection. Maybe use the economic analysis to enlighten more of those down-under who you see are noticing how they are getting screwed and are awaiting for you to like to bring over from the other side.

    • KG says:

      Thanks for the link, Pascal. Interesting stuff. Of course both left and right serve the interests of crony capitalism. Money+public policy=money+power.

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Well yeah!!!Like you know!!!”That woman” @ D front of the Bog Administraitor’s cute video post was @ Harvard University School of Law with yours very trulilululy and BlackBerry!!!OMG!!!The scoop is that her teeth dehydrated and fell out due to Global Warming. But she has a nice set now. Her real name then was Fonda Peters. Small world nes pa?Yv.tlry never thought he would see her again!!!Tie me kangaroo down BlackBerry. Why do Yours very truly feel such deep desolation?

    BlackBerry has returned yvT*** to His Underground Kompound, Level #6969 and expects rapidly evolving improvement N YV.truly’s temperament and devotion. BlackBerry assed yV.trYl to plan a Reunion of the Ular Family with the focus on the first Ular who illegally arrived on the Mayflower* If there are any Ulars in the reading audience please respond immediately to HPH/Ular/Reunionular@shootoff.com ass for additional information re free phones, EBT cards, dates, times, locations for boarding boxcars re shipment to the Reunion campground as we are expecting** vast amounts of rsvps to this offer. . Large imports of stomach acid reducers, flatulent eliminators, and toilet paper are soon to be ordered.
    ***Yours Very Truly, the clandestine reporter here-in.
    *Mayflower – Fonda Peters direct female descendent.
    **expecting – pregnant females, transexuals, gay blades, ass fuckers, guntoters, maniacs, White Males, Christians, Veterans, registered voters with picture identification, fucking motherfuckers, etc. are all welcome because U R OK as long as you board the boxcars on time. Keller ah teal, senorular!oh got a beep gotta go ta ta Yours Veryily Trulilularly, HarvardPotatoHead Love ya Mean it.