‘Former prime minister Helen Clark has been hit with a devastating critique of her United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in an official report saying much of its annual US$5.7 billion (NZ$6.8 billion) budget is only remotely connected to ending global poverty…’
And this is the person John Key supported in her bid for the job. Perhaps because it was less embarrassing than seeing her prosecuted for several offences after she lost the NZ election.
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If she cured so-called “poverty” with productive peoples money, there’d be nobody left to vote for her or her ilk!
I trust this will destroy any chance she may have had to run the UN. I prefer to destroy the UN itself as it is nothing more than a can full of garrulous socialist bludgers.
“.. I prefer to destroy the UN itself..”
Me too. It’s far worse than useless–I believe it’s probably the most evil international organisation ever.
Have a long hard look at the involvement of Alger Hiss at the time of the UN’s creation.
Ahahahahaha!!!!! Who the hell would be surprised by this???? Honestly.
I’m only surprised that the UN board saw fit to criticise her, I always she was a poster child for corrupt, self-serving swinne like the UN…
“I’m only surprised that the UN board saw fit to criticise her,”
When they do that,they usually have in mind somebody worse as a replacement.
Oops, **swine**
Shoulda read it again before I posted… LOL
We got the meaning just fine, Idunno.
Klarkula leads a global war on poverty gulping deeply from the bottomless cup of Other Peoples’ Money.
Well done New Zealand!
Take: the UN, a corrupt criminal organisation run by and for mass murderers and kleptos.
Add: one Helen Clark, a socialist micro-managing control freak with delusions of grandeur.
Result: what could possibly go wrong?
Taking a leaf out of the leftist playbook – if only leftist trash like these would slip in the shower and do us all a favor.