‘They are referred to as “homo slackass-erectus” created by natural genetic
downward evolution through constant spineless posturing, and spasmatic
upper limb gestures, which new research has shown to cause shorter legs
and an inability to ambulate other than in an awkward shuffling gait.
The “drag-crotch” shape also seems to affect brain function. Expect no eye contact or intelligent verbal communication.
Unfortunately most are highly fertile’
(Thanks to Oswald Bastable for sending us this.)
Holy Darwin….. it’s the Missing Link!
That’s why they’re commonly referred to as “rock apes”.
….And their most developed, (and possibly only), skill ….
Typing gibberish with their thumbs.
That trend started in the US prison system and was a signal used by inmates to advertise to other inmates that they were open to homosexual sex.
They should probably be reminded of that from time to time
This comment reminds of something I read a few months ago. It said that “Jesus loves you” are three words that lift the hearts of Christians everywhere, but on the other hand it’s something you never want to hear in a Mexican jail.
I saw one of these ‘tards at the Richmond Mall outside Nelson the other day. The frickin moron was obliged to waddle in short steps with his feet about two feet apart: like a baboon with testicular cancer.
“like a baboon with testicular cancer.”
good one!