Britain: ‘Hooded ‘Muslim Patrol’ vigilantes remove alcohol from drinkers and tell women to cover up as they stalk London suburb’
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“Hooded”..aka the Muslim KKK(where is the cry of outrage from the liberal minded and political correct(i.e the left/media…as usual,the fucking cowards are silent) …mind you i like to see some stoneage fuckpig try to forceably remove me or take what im drinking,when im legally entitled to do so…
…which makes me wonder …what ever happened to the British bulldog spirit.
sbk, you on your own would simply be killed or have the shit beaten out of you and then, if you survived, you would be prosecuted by the Thought Police for ‘encitement’. Another section 5.
What it will really take is thousands of us united in common purpose and prepared to utilse ‘minimum force’ by whatever defintion we wish to place upon that rather disingenuous phrase.
Talk to your friends, to those who think likewise and form a group of the like minded. Having one that look around and find other such groups. Having found them, get together and look for more. Talk, organise and then strike. Only we the people can do this – those who presume to govern us have sold us out as they line their own nests and set their uniform thugs upon us.
If not action this day then pretty damn soon otherwise we shall cease to exist.
Interesting times.
Seneca III
Organise a group of like-minded Britons, by personal contact only, get one to walk ahead, drink in hand. When the primitives approach him, then the group simply rolls over them, kicking heads as they go.
Disperse immediately.
Rinse and repeat.
Yes and remember *anything* can be used as a weapon
I would prefer a broadsword myself; they proved pretty effective on the last couple of occasions we had to kick the retards back under their rocks.
“mind you i like to see some stoneage fuckpig try to forceably remove me or take what im drinking,when im legally entitled to do so…”
Same here.
The “bulldog spirit” has been gelded by generations of leftist indoctrination.
Yeh, a totally feminised society of ‘metrosexuals’.
Good to see you, Seneca. Heard anything more about GOV yet?
Yes, it’s back up. Looks at first like it was a just a technical hitch but we will never know – there was a lot of C-J static resonating on this on this one so perhaps there was a change of mind and direction – if there were either in the first place. Thanks for the thought, though.
Best Regards, S III
“what ever happened to the British bulldog spirit”
Here it is.
Thank God it’s not the norm…yet. The salvation of Britain may yet be the much-reviled soccer thugs, the BNP and other like minded people.
This isn’t going to be fixed by the PC “nice” people. As always, battle will be joined by the classes which in peacetime those nice people–the ones who enabled this shit in the first place–hold in contempt and not a little fear.
The methods of the soccer thugs etc used to be known locally as, “a bi’ o’ bovver.”
Queensbury’s Rules don’t apply.
another take-
This is what happens when citizens allow their government to take their guns w/o a fight…
Yes, it is.