Or perhaps, what the law has become….
‘..The great majority of the “rules” that are imposed on Americans with the force of law are not “laws” in the proper sense.
They’re “regulations.”
Rules composed by unelected bureaucrats.
Bureaucrats whose names we’re forbidden to learn.
Many of whom are issued firearms and wear them daily.
Whose jobs are protected by Civil Service rules any union would envy…’
When vast numbers of new laws and regulations are passed almost daily, without consulting We the People, when those laws are often enforced in arbitrary and capricious ways, when certain classes are all but exempt from prosecution under them, when justice becomes a function of how good a lawyer one can afford…then “law” is nothing more than an instrument of tyranny.
He has to see this sort of authorised directive http://www.amren.com/news/2013/01/no-death-penalty-for-four-lansing-men-in-shayla-johnson-homicide/
As the commenters say, very selective.