‘JULIA Gillard reckons if Australia’s founding fathers had their time over they would have done away with the states, even if it meant sending footy fans mad.
The prime minister says she has days when she sits in her office and thinks life would be easier if she didn’t have to negotiate with state governments…’
It’d be even easier if you didn’t have to worry about such inconveniences as the law, custom, free speech and the ballot box too, wouldn’t it Juliar?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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BRAVO! A newspaper does the right thing. What a refreshing change.
Good on them,sad that integrity is so rare.
!!!OMMMGGG!!! BlackBerry has assed yours very trulilular to plan a gathering of the Ular Family, a reunion of sorts. Pray tell, what is this Juliar’s addy? RSVPs* to date are Arthur Ritisular, Homer Sexual, Pud Pullerular, Fukk Mio Seestarular 4 25 peso [OR FREE next to the Israeli entrance outback by the dumpster 4 purchasing 6 margaritas en mio Juarez backstreet bar], Christine Augular, Commisarular Chavez, Alice Vibratorular, plus cousins and next of kin. This event will be far-out and will be cordually hosted By BlackBerry and Diplomatic Pouch on Level 6969 in the backroom of the Arugular Lounge. BYOB undt dish with extra French Fries.
* PLEASE! No middle aged white males, Christians, veterans, gun-toters, Bible hugging thumpers are welcome. ThanX tata Yours Very Trulilular HarvardPotatoHead
“Pray tell, what is this Juliar’s addy?”
She’s just your type, Spudnut–all arse and no principles.
You forgot-
Jeez, she’s got enough addys to fill a Central Committee meeting!
!!!WELL!!!Doth it appear that you folks down theere in our 56-57th Steaks have no respect for this fin member of the Ular Family?!!!!OOOMMMGGG!!!tata got a beep yours very trulilularly HarvardPotatoHead
‘John Key taken to hospital after fainting’
He must have come face-to-face with a principle.
“The prime minister says she has days when she sits in her office and thinks life would be easier if she didn’t have to negotiate with state governments … … . ”
Nice to know she gets paid $495,430 a year to sit on her arse fantasising about how the country should run according to her lefty/communist/dictatorial wet dreams.
The Commonwealth of Australia came into being in the form that it exists for a reason. I’m glad we have states because it gives the citizens a buffer against centralised power from a Federal government.
I’m sure she dreams of the USSR in 1950. Don’t these people ever run out of giving us reasons to hate them?
“Don’t these people ever run out of giving us reasons to hate them?”
In all fairness even though Dennis is a lefty,occasionally he does land on the right side of an issue.Kind of like Joe Lieberman.He did ask some very pointed questions during the Benghazi gate hearings which had me kind of shocked since they were tougher than most asked by the conservative members.
Like I said before FOX is not a conservative network,only center right.Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are not conservatives,only liberals who are smart enough to know liberal BS doesn’t sell.