What a load of pretentious, ill-informed knee-jerk bollocks.
It’s not worth even beginning to pull this bullshit apart.

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19 Responses to CODSWALLOP!

  1. john says:

    KG, you just gotta bring back that vomit icon asap. :mrgreen:

  2. KG says:

    You’re right, but it’s not as easy as I thought it would be John.
    But I do have the code…

  3. john says:

    Ah, the relief……. :lol:

  4. dondiego says:

    “Artist Grahame Sydney felt political parties “in general” were not adequately addressing the concerns of Kiwis.”

    At least they got one thing right.

  5. Darin says:

    This is such a great article because Football coaches are the go to experts on climate science afterall :roll:

    It’s the Sun that drives the climate and there isn’t a dam thing we can do about it but put on Sun screen in the Summer and bundle up in the Winter.

  6. Ronbo says:

    In about 1513 A.D. this ignorant piece of Leftist shit would be a Roman Catholic priest selling “tickets to heaven” in order to fill his purse by fraud his poor, low information and illiterate flock of simple German farmers, who believed if the HIGH PRIEST in Augsburg said it was so – IT WAS SO! :evil:

    Hearing crap like “The Great Global Warming Hoax” makes me feel like Martin Luther and puts my RIGHTEOUS ANGER in gear: What do you want to bet this asshole is making some unearned Algore style dollars on his swindle? Like my old dad always said, “Son, if you want to know the truth about anything, just follow the money.”

    • Cadwallader says:

      Good analogy with Papal Indulgences. These self-appointed experts are not rich in knowledge just in self-righteousness.

  7. Flashman says:

    So some meathead NZ rugby boofhead fanboy coach is now a self-proclaimed climatologist?

    Not even Hollywood could make that up.

  8. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!Algora!!!Yours verily trulilular has sent this post to the 8 Ball Room, Algora Level of the BlackBerry Underground Kompound! Methinks that my friend the superior Mensa member Harvard Professor who is intensly cloning Neanderthal genes with young blond, blue eyed caucasian females will want to invite the coach 2 become deeply involved in the rapidly evolving eminent Global Warming Situation which YvTruly has heard a rumor down here that future vehicles will be powered by fuel injection fartgas and propelled with pedals manipulatededed by the operatorular. These vehicles will be produced in the Naussie territory of the former Australia is it a continent? within structures formerly used as homes or caves for the natural processing de la belly button cheese. OOPS!!got a beep! HarvardPotatoHead, Manipulator Superior, Algora Level, [patrons pls use the Israeli entrance next to the big green garbage dumps filled with BlackBerry’s cigurette butts and tampons]. 10-4

  9. MvL says:

    You sucked me in KG, I just HAD to go and have a look at their website.
    Went to the signatories page, and the sudden onslaught of head tilting
    forced me to go and get something to prop up a corner of the monitor.
    But who am I to criticize, after they do have a “Solutions Coordinator”
    among them.

  10. Cadwallader says:

    I have just looked through the list of so-called signatories: Worn out sportsmen and pompous academics= otherwise unemployable.

  11. thor42 says:

    Someone should throw the latest findings at them –

    “Dear pompous arseholes – there has been NO warming for the last 15 years. Now *piss off* and do something useful.”

    • KG says:

      15 years is too short a time to mean anything, thor42. However, a one-season heatwave proves that AGW is happening.
      Don’t you know anything about climitsiance?

  12. nominto says:

    my comment if I have the misfortune of meeting them[in a really bad French accent]

    “I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”