‘Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?’

A brave man.
I don’t think it’s possible to actually organize a revolution, given the levels of surveillance and apathy at present. I do think that given the right spark there will be a sufficient number of profoundly pissed-off people who will join in when it starts to go down in the form of race riots or protests about government seizing savings, to name just two possibilities.
Of course it’s time. In fact it’s way, way past time to water that tree.

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7 Responses to ‘Is It Time To Organize The Revolution?’

  1. Ronbo says:


    I think events – very likely starting with a global financial meltdown – will lead to collapse of many governments in the Anglosphere, including the American federal government and many state governments such as New York state and California.

    In the anarchy thus created and made worse by a heavy handed federal attempt to impose martial law will lead to the rise of citizen militias as defense against the “Imperial Federal Government” that will impose rough law and order.

    Then what?

    At some point you will have a new national leadership and a new republic.

    • KG says:

      I just re-read that very fine essay, Seneca and I agree with much of what you say.
      But the turning point, the spark, will come not from organized opposition, for the reasons I mentioned above.
      An organized opposition will never happen and the choice will be stark–support the street thugs, the rioters and the anarchists or settle for a rapidly accelerating slide into slavery.
      I know you don’t agree, but our best chance of avoiding that is to ally with those groups you find unsavoury– less than ideologically ideal– and hope to build something worthwhile after they’ve destroyed the existing order.
      The impetus for that alliance, I believe, will be the fact that so many people who presently “have too much to lose” will no longer have jobs, bank accounts, retirement plans and suchlike.

  2. Seneca III says:

    ” An organized opposition will never happen and the choice will be starkā€“support the street thugs, the rioters and the anarchists or settle for a rapidly accelerating slide into slavery.”

    I thought I did say that, KG, though not precisely in the same way. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cry.gif

    S III

    • KG says:

      I must have missed it. I’d been up a few hours and it was still early. More coffee needed. :lol:

    • Ronbo says:

      Great minds think alike – I agree with Seneca and KG.

      This makes at least two websites (the other being A.R.M. – American Resistance Movement) that are allegedly attempting “Organize” the Second Revolution (or the third – as the Confederates said their rebellion was the Second American Revolution) – and my first question would be, “How do we know this is not a DHS spider web designed to catch patriots?”) – and the logical answer is that we can’t be sure.

      Also, never forget that sedition laws are still on the books in the USA and they mandate federal prison sentences of up to ten years.

      The price of “organization of revolution” could be very high, indeed.

      Thus the revolutionists should “think small” in underground sleeper cells of as few as one person Internet linked informally by a common ideology…I do agree with the Marxists on one point at the present time – “The correlation of force is against us.”

      However, I suspect the Regime has reached its zenith of power; a power that is not sustainable much longer; a power build on a economic House of Cards that is about to be blown down by reality.