Texas: Active Duty Soldier Illegally Disarmed and Arrested

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This is what tyranny looks like. Better get used to it.
It arrives not with televised announcements and full-page advertisements in the press., it arrives as the result of of police officers assuming and exercising powers they have no rights to, enforcing the diktats of unelected bureaucrats which bypass the supposedly “normal” checks and balances of a democracy and arrogant judges who aid in trashing the rule of what once was law. Property rights become meaningless and the definition of rights becomes that which is granted by bureaucrats and politicians.
Which is no rights at all.
Anybody now who thinks he or she is a free, sovereign individual is seriously deluded.

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13 Responses to Texas: Active Duty Soldier Illegally Disarmed and Arrested

  1. Ronbo says:

    O SHADES OF APRIL 19, 1775! :evil:

    This is exactly the same kind of shit the Redcoats pulled in the early 1770s leading up to the outbreak of the American Revolution – and it speaks volumes about how much the Obama Regime fears the anger of U.S. military – in just same way that the George III Regime feared the armed colonial militia.

    Yes, I know KG, and others who post here, are of the mind that this time around, Americans will roll over and play dead as our ancient liberties disappear one after another – but I am of the mind that Patriots are simply watching and waiting for “The Day” when they open fire on the Black Battalions of DHS.

    …and that Day could be April 19, 2013…

  2. to think I was considering a move to Texas – !!!!!

    swiped and posted!

    • Darin says:

      Video doesn’t say where in Texas,but I am betting either Austin or DFW both of which have become Soviet Satellites of Kalifornistan.

  3. Phil Stephenson says:

    I didn’t watch the entire video clip but if you have another look at the 3 minute mark, you’ll see an appalling lack of basic firearm safety by the officer who removes the pistol from the man’s left pocket, and allows the muzzle to cover him momentarily as he passes it across the man’s back and hands it to the second officer. Who trains these dickheads? I hope this is brought up during the civil suit, if one ensues.

    • Darin says:

      Who trains them?Nobody,a badge and an a–hole are the main requirements to be a Cop here.Professionalism and integrity are individual traits and can’t be taught IMHO.

  4. KG says:

    The Sergeant may not have responded in an “ideal” manner, as a few people have pointed out, but the onus is always on the police to go by the book.
    And the fat thug didn’t.
    I hope they get sued to hell. :evil:

    • Elijah says:

      I hope they lose their jobs, their pensions and be blacklisted from working in government again. It’s the only fair punishment. Taxpayers should not pay compensation due to a douchebag.

  5. LesterPK says:

    Some more background on the guy:

    • KG says:

      Those two have had a squabble going for some time, Lester.
      None of it is relevant to the way the cop behaved.
      Further, the page you give a link to is listed as a web attack page, so I’ve removed the link.