Those silly maori rascals…..

or violent, thieving pricks, perhaps?

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45 Responses to Those silly maori rascals…..

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    ” … Outside of court, a family member said then men were just trying to be good parents by providing for the whanau. … ”

    I suppose earning a wage was out of the question, then.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    And the judge said one of them was successful turning his life around because he hadn’t offended since 2011. This is one for the Sensible Sentencing Trust website ‘Judging the judges’

    • KG says:

      He probably hasn’t raped or maimed anybody since oh, I dunno…2008, perhaps?
      What a fine example of rehabilitation the man is.

    • jonno1 says:

      I haven’t offended since, umm, oh that’s right, never. So I should have plenty of credit should I decide to… what? – can’t think of any crime that I wish to commit. Darn.

      • KG says:

        Rob a bank? Tar and feather a judge? Put a greenie through a woodchipper?
        I could help there, jonno.

  3. dondiego says:

    Stealing from the IHC makes these cretins some of the lowest scum in Hastings. And that’s saying something- I worked a couple of months in Hastings a few years back, the place is full of Mongrel Mobs & wannabees.

    I would purchase something like a steak knife or roasting fork etc for each time I walked back from town.
    The backpacker thief would’ve been doing his apprenticeship about then.”Fido was sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment. He had offended while on bail and was also being sentenced on an assault charge and another burglary charge after he took a laptop from a backpackers.”

    How does that work with “Lawyers for the men said it was an one-off incident…” :?: It doesn’t.
    Those dirt-bags get worse every year.

  4. Urban Redneck says:

    If you ever drive past the livestock yards at AFFCO Wairoa you’d notice it looks like a prison, with high fencing, lighting and surveillance cameras everywhere – all because it is a regular occurrence that these savages steal livestock. The animals are usually hacked to death in the yard then taken.

    • KG says:

      I think most Kiwis have grown so used to this kind of thing, they just don’t see how maori have degraded to quality of life in NZ.

      • john says:

        “Fort Apache: Wairoa”
        Coming to a theatre near you. Where maoris are maoris and livestock tremble.
        They waded through blood and guts to put food on the table for the mokopuna.

  5. MvL says:

    It is worth remembering how far this race of savages have come. (Or not)
    Not too many years ago it would not be the lambs that were taken for the larder,
    to “provide for the whanau”

  6. mistress mara says:

    One-off incident and remorseful? $27.50 each for reparation? Trying to be good parents by providing for the family? :roll: I used to frequently wonder how defence lawyers slept at night without recourse to heavy sedation, but, in mitigation , I was only about 12 then. But those days were relatively reasonable compared to the “weapons-grade pillockry’ that now passes as liberal/infected law. :roll:
    I spent some years in Papua New Guinea where all crime from shoplifting to ritual murder are still committed by “rascals.”

    • KG says:

      “I spent some years in Papua New Guinea where all crime from shoplifting to ritual murder are still committed by “rascals.”
      Yeah, that’s what made me think of the post title, Mara. ;-)
      Until these people are treated like the irredeemable lowlife scum they actually are, things will continue to get worse. :evil:
      “weapons-grade pillockry”…… love it! :mrgreen:

  7. KG says:

    (and that $27.50 will be paid out of money the taxpayer provides in any case)

  8. Barry says:

    These are the pigs to whom john key crawls and to whom he is giving our country

  9. KG says:

    They are indeed.

  10. KG says:

    Anger over homes for Maori
    ‘The use of $2.6 million in taxpayer money to help fund a Maori community housing scheme has been slammed by Tauranga property developer.’

    So, what’s happened to the billions of dollars maori organisations have been given? They can’t fund this out of the taxpayer’s money they’ve already pocketed? And why the fuck is there race-based preferential treatment in any case?

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    Hastings is the perfect argument for concealed carry

  12. According to the Maori, what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine, but, hey, that could be said about all liberals. Maoris have been a hopeless people from the outset, and liberals have capitalised on that and created dependent victims. Once were warriors are now ‘give me’ victims.

  13. KG says:

    Or simple bloody thuggery.
    I have a very, very low opinion of maoris in general, even though there are undoubtedly some very good ones.
    I need to be convinced (and it takes a lot, after some rotten personal experiences living in the Far North) that any given maori is worth the time of day.

    • nominto says:

      …and would be close to being the most racist people on the planet…
      too few are what you would call decent human beings……..
      wanna bet you lurking trolls ..just ask the Zulu engineer who worked with us ,our local Cambodian baker,a Chinese taxi driver, the black Zimbabwean engineer who had enough of the shit and left for Aus[not for $],the local Indian dairy owner who says he virtually shits himself anytime a bunch of rascals swagger in…
      yeah Turia ..holocaust?..hmmmm

    • john says:

      “I need to be convinced….”
      Yeah, my position too except replace the Far North with Hawke’s Bay.

    • KG says:

      What a charmer–and a criminal to boot. I hope Lucyna lays a formal complaint, because abusing an author is one thing, but threatening their kids is another entirely.

      • Ciaron says:

        MY KID!

        • KG says:

          ok, your kid. No need to shout. It wasn’t clear whose kid it was, in the post I read (from your link), and since the guy used the term “racist bitch” I assumed it was Lucyna’s.

          • Ciaron says:

            now that the comments are hidden, it’s not too clear. :roll:
            But the only mention of “son” was by me, in reference to my disinclination for him to be “force-fed” moari culture. The idiot simply hasn’t the brainpower to observe when the post ends and the comments begin :shock:

            • KG says:

              I hope somebody has gone to the police over it, if only to show how bloody useless they are when it comes to dealing with this kind of thing.

  14. dondiego says:

    However, it recommended “proactive monitoring of high-risk investments”,

    Here’s a novel idea… don’t give coons with po’ gramma other peoples hard-earned. High risk vs dead loss.
    If I ever like going back to N.Z I just switch on the computer.