Maori as a protected species of leech

Terry Wallbank has the story, and it’s the tip of a big, smelly brownberg.

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15 Responses to Maori as a protected species of leech

  1. Ronbo says:

    Why do the Maori of New Zealand remind me of the American Indians, who have sucked off the federal tit since the last hostile tribe surrendered in 1890?

  2. KG says:

    Because the mentality is so similar?

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    In all fairness guys – if the Maori had endured only a fraction of the treatment handed out to the American Indians, they would long ago have joined the Moa.

    • Ronbo says:

      In all fairness it was the American Indians who drew First Blood at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 – and the first English colony would have been wiped out except for the leadership of Captain John Smith.

      After that it was Total War for almost 300 years with the American Indians, who often gained the upper hand and massacred white settlements, although it was more common that small bodies of whites were murdered by ambush in the forests.

      The canny Anglo-Saxons won in the end, because for one thing some Indian tribes hated other Indian tribes worse than they hated the pale faces, and often made common cause. At the Battle of the Little Big Horn in 1876, Custer’s 7th Cavalry was guided into final battle and death by his ulta loyal Crow Indian scouts who hated with a passion the Sioux nation and had obeyed “Yellow Hair” orders to find the 7th Cavalry, “lots and lots of hostile Sioux.”

      Too much of good thing, heh?

      BTW, the great Sioux nation (“The best light cavalry in the world” – General Sherman) was in control of the plains of Montana and the Black Hills of the Dakotas because they had committed genocide against other Indian tribes like the Crow.

      So the name of the game was “Divide and Conquer” and the better organized whites with a professional military establishment finally came out on top at the end of several centuries of savage warfare against a dangerous enemy who gave as good as he got. This is one pale face who feels absolutely no guilt against a once barbaric war nations reduced today to worthless parasites living on the Welfare Dime.

      The Indian American Indian in his wild state found by the English colonists was an often naked barbarian who practiced disgusting practices like cannibalism and child rape with no concept of private property or the rule of law.

      Kind of like our savage ancestors in England who grossed out the hardcore Roman Legions of Julius Caesar with their habit of virgin sacifrice, painting themselves from head to toe in blue war paint, and running naked in the woods like a troop of baboons, while howling at the top of their voices a savage war cry :!: :mrgreen:

  4. KG, thanks for the link, but I think it isn’t working. Can you check it?

  5. KG says:

    :oops: Fixed. Sorry about that.

    • Thanks, KG.

      I really can’t understand why these liberal pinheads keep doing this affirmative-action stuff. Surely they must know it does nothing other than divide people.

      • KG says:

        Dividing people is exactly the objective, Conservative.

        • I completely understand your point about the overall objective being to divide, but what I don’t understand is this: do you think Key sits down with his buddies and plans “If we do this, this will divide people?” We know what he is doing to this country is definitely dividing the nation, but is that intentional or just his stupidity? I honestly think they believe they are doing good OR they don’t think at all. Or is it just a matter of Key being a puppet to the UN?

  6. Findalis says:

    Is it true that the Maori were killing each other off way before the White Man (and Woman) came to New Zealand?

  7. Pix says:

    Findalis, yes it’s true. In fact they were so murderous they almost wiped themselves out. They were also slave owning cannibals no less. If the British hadn’t saved them from themselves there would not be any Maori around today. Shame the British didn’t take another 50 years to get here.

    • Barry says:

      Pix, there was also infanticide and murder and warfare. A very good book about NZ and the treaty is Twisting the Treaty a Tribal Grab for Wealth and Power (2013, Tross Publishing)

      • KG says:

        And for a brilliant insight into just how barbaric they were, read Alan Duff’s “Both Sides of The Moon”.

        He’s Maori, so the “racist” epithet just won’t fly for his critics. :grin:

  8. Ronbo says:


    Whether or not the International “Democratic” Socialists have a smoke filled room in a beautiful Black Forest castle in Germany, where James Bond style SPECTRE super bad guys plot the downfall Western Civilization, or because of the reactionary and very stupid socialist ideology is beside the point, because the effect is exactly the same…

    The death of the centuries old Anglo-Saxon experiment in constitutional limited representative democracy.

    • Ronbo says:


      I haven’t read, Alan Duff’s “Both Sides of The Moon” – but the bottom line to the story of barbarism is that life was short, nasty and very brutal.

      Also, that nasty, brutal and unorganized barbarians don’t last long when civilized people decide to conquer them, and I daresay the British were much easier on the savages of New Zealand than the Romans were on British barbarians.

      This is history.

      The term, “Noble Savage” is an oxymoron and socialist propaganda.