‘Mass exodus of Christians from Muslim world ignored by media…’

‘A mass exodus of Christians is currently underway.  Millions of Christians are being displaced from one end of the Islamic world to the other.
We are reliving the true history of how the Islamic world, much of which prior to the Islamic conquests was almost entirely Christian, came into being…’
And here in the West, we put out the welcome mat for the animals responsible for this. Truly, our governments are suicidally insane.
Update: Just in…THESE are the people leftists and Christian churches are welcoming to the West:
‘Nigeria Islamists attack town, kill 55’
It’s only a matter of numbers – and time – before the same thing happens in the West. It’s already happening on a smaller scale in Europe.

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14 Responses to ‘Mass exodus of Christians from Muslim world ignored by media…’

  1. fish153 says:

    Absolutely true KG. Same has and is still happening in southern Sudan (3.4 million over past 15 years) as well as in Indonesia etc. The statistics are frightening, but conveniently & willfully ignored by the UN, the main stream media and politically correct trendy churches that form part of the “kick-Israel club”.

  2. KG says:

    Fish, I can understand academics and many politicians who are implacably hostile toward Christian values and the traditional family structure enabling this.
    What I don’t understand is the sentimental fools running Christian churches and organisations, who actively work to facilitate the invasion of the barbarians.
    They meet a personable muslim or two and they’re seduced into ignoring the murderous history of the ideology. Then they pat themselves on the back in a warm glow of self-righteousness for their tolerance and compassion.
    Well, tolerance of – and compassion for perpetrators of – evil is in itself a greater evil, and I draw no distinction between these bastard enablers and active jihadists–their aims are the same, whether some foolish Christians realise that or not.

    • Ronbo says:

      Somali Muslim women in hijab all over downtown Seattle today….

      What’s up :?:

      Are they looking over their newest soon-to-be conquered city in the caliphate :?: :twisted:

      • Ronbo says:


        The Left has taken over all the mainline Protestant churches – and since the socialists are allies of the Islamists – the so-called Christian leadership of these phoney Christian churches think Islam is just peachy keen and turn a blind eye to the genocide of Christians by Muslims in Africa and Asia.

        However, the REAL Christians in the off-mainline-churches, especially in the South and West in the USA, are well aware of what is going on the world – and support their brothers and sisters in harm’s way as best they can.

  3. KG says:


  4. So much for the religion of peace and tolerance. Of course, the mainstream media will ignore the suffering of Christians as it does nothing to promote their meme of Islam being friendly to other faiths and the Kafir.

  5. Dallas says:

    Just spent a day trying to educate a lefty secularist who cannot get his mind wrapped around the Islamic threat. In his mind PMW and MEMRI clips of the one million imams spreading hatred are somehow fakes. The translations from Arabic he claims are all false.

    Glazov’s “United in Hate” describes the syndrome, and as far as I can see it’s incurable since the afflicted mind forever keeps the concept invisible to them, even with direct proof and thousands of pieces of evidence. The pattern always defaults to our hated society being at fault and Christianity is the biggest culprit.

    Sick. Certifiable. Epidemic.

  6. KG says:

    I wouldn’t wast five minutes on a lefty, let alone a whole day, Dallas. If the gulags and the Cultural Revolution and the starvation of Ukrainians etc etc etc aren’t enough to indicate to them there’s something seriously wrong with their ideology, then why would they regard islam as a threat?
    I think they’re mentally deficient.

    • thor42 says:

      I agree with you, KG.

      Not only are they mentally deficient, but they are TRAITORS as well.

      Mentally-deficient, treasonous FOOLS.

      I think the ONLY way that the West can be saved is if a country or two falls to Islam first. A “sacrificial lamb” or two in Europe.

  7. KG says:

    “I think the ONLY way that the West can be saved is if a country or two falls to Islam first. A “sacrificial lamb” or two in Europe.”
    Very possibly.
    I used to think another massive terrorist attack would do it, but all 9/11 has done is reduce our freedoms and left the perps virtually untouched.
    If anything people are more tolerant of the bastards since the MSM and politicians went into overdrive with their “moderate muslim” lie.

  8. I was trying to educate a UK colleague on what has been going on, but he considered there is no issue with the Muslims. He really thought they were assimilating nicely and that in twenty years things would be about the same.

    Undaunted, I tried to discuss this with a close family member. After a few snide comments behind my back on my islamophobia I decided I would still keep trying, but it’s a thankless task. It may take a disaster to get people to wake up.

    Especially like your comments on the churches though. Christianity does have similarities with the concept and “stated” aim of socialism, but the end result is poles apart.