The latest Woodpile Report is up

‘…Mr. Hodges reminds us Hillary Clinton has been connected to a string of suspicious and suspiciously convenient deaths in the past. We also recall former president Bill Clinton is accused by some of handing military secrets to China while in office, and former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s public involvement with a self declared Marxist organization, and president Obama’s alliances with terrorist revolutionaries and malodorous race supremacists.
Mr. Hodges’s version of the Benghazi event is volatile stuff. It describes near-treason if not treason itself. If the allegations centering on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are substantiated, and if principals in the administration are shown to be complicit, they betrayed their oath and their countrymen on behalf of an active belligerent. It’s alleged elsewhere untraceable foreign accounts are a substantial source of their political funding, which may speak to the question of embedded duplicity on a more quantitative basis…’
And if you had any lingering doubts that We, the People are now merely serfs in their own country, governed ruled by unaccountable forces, this may give even the Pollyannas pause for thought.

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6 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. Ronbo says:

    This is revolution! :evil:

  2. Those are some profoundly serious allegations. If true, it marks a turning point in American history. Men were abandoned on the field of battle and left to die there while the President, aware of their mortal peril, went to bed for the night as if it were just another ordinary day.

    I begin to feel as the Romans must have felt when they realized that their civilization was rotten at it’s very core.

  3. KG says:

    “I begin to feel as the Romans must have felt when they realized that their civilization was rotten at it’s very core.”
    Aye, William and it feels that way all across the West.

  4. KG says:

    From Drudge, today:

    Washington IRS officials targeted conservatives…
    55-questions sent to tea party group; Demands for donor lists, names of all volunteers…
    BOOK: IRS retaliates against outspoken business leaders…
    Tea Party groups threaten to sue…
    Kentucky activist to IRS: ‘Apology not accepted’…
    Probe Expands To Groups Opposed To Gov’t, Teaching Constitution…
    Scrutiny Deeper Than Thought…
    McConnell: ‘Just The Beginning’…
    Agency accused of leaking confidential tax documents during election…
    Scandal politics sweep Capitol Hill…
    FLASHBACK: Senior White House official briefed reporters on Koch brothers taxes…

  5. Richard says:

    It’s not just Clinton, either, if Sean Linnane is to be believed (though she’s relatively convenient to throw under the bus rather than have O-Bummer himself take any heat). Linnane says that the CIF rolls automatically in an event like Benghazi, and there are only four people with authority to tell CIF to stand down: President, Vice President, SecDef, or Assistant SecDef. Clinton couldn’t do that; somebody else murdered those Americans. I nominate the lead-from-behind coward-in-chief for that one (or maybe Panetta, on C-in-C’s explicit instructions, to insulate C-in-C).

  6. KG says:

    Agreed, Richard. The Teflon Halfbreed’s fingerprints are all over this.
    And isn’t it convenient that Clinton is taking heat, given that there are factions within the Dems who hate her and would like to see her 2016 bid derailed?