London mosque burning

Oh dear…how awful.

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33 Responses to London mosque burning

  1. thor42 says:

    Oh dear, how……. “tragic”….

    Nah, stuff that – “burn, baby, burn……”

  2. mawm says:

    Something made me think about pork fillets wrapped in bacon cooked on a braai (that’s a BBQ for all you heathens). :mrgreen:

    • Seneca III says:

      Are you a van der Merwe by any chance, mawm?

      • mawm says:

        Nope, I have good old anglo-saxon names (but a member of the extended family married one). I’m impressed – you spelt it correctly…………I wonder why? :roll:

        • Seneca III says:

          Because, mawm, I have been a frequent visitor to SA over the years, both before and after the transition back to barbarity, and I have many friends there and was once an honourary member of the SA Airborne Regt (None of whom bore that name).

  3. Phil Stephenson says:

    Spontaneous combustion?

    • KG says:

      Definitely–caused by a pile of wet goats huddled in a corner.
      Logical, innit?

  4. KG says:

    No, c’mon’s tragic, that’s what
    oops.. :oops:

  5. KG says:

    Odd, isn’t it, how the MSM manages to ignore hundreds of Christian churches being torched by these pricks, (and congregations being murdered) but one scummy mosque burning is big, big news?

  6. KG says:

    It wasn’t some palatial mosque anyway, just a meeting place. Now the Brit taxpayer will be expected to foot the bill for a (much bigger) replacement.
    Watch this space…..

  7. RWT says:

    Yeah terrible shame, now i just hope that the usual racists and bigots on the left won’t be jumping to pin the blame for this on those we know they love to hate and persecute.

    Instead of blaming and the usual ignorant knee-jerk accusations they should instead reach out and try to understand those that burned the mosque.

  8. Findalis says:

    Here in the States incidents like this is usually discovered to be done by the Muslims themselves for propaganda purposes.

    • thor42 says:

      I agree.
      The very fact that it is not a mosque would make it very “convenient” for muzztards to torch it. They KNOW very well that they would *never* be investigated.

  9. KG says:

    “Instead of blaming and the usual ignorant knee-jerk accusations they should instead reach out and try to understand those that burned the mosque.” Brilliant!

  10. Robertvdl says:

    Nice place to build the new one.

  11. Seneca III says:

    I am too distraught about this atrocity other than to say four things:

    1. Neat, this, when you think about it from their perspective.
    2. Will they now get to build a big new one?
    3. Will their Insurance Company (if they have one) cough up (ahem!)? or…
    3. If not, who will fund it – the Saudi’s or the British taxpayer?

    Silly me, old, tired and so full of conspiracy theories. And a lifetimes’ experience of the Muslim gift that keeps on giving unto death or slavery.

    Off to bed. :roll:
    S III

  12. john says:

    One down, how many of these fucking monstrosities to go?

  13. KG says:

    If TSHTF, John, it won’t matter how many. :twisted: There won’t be enough to go round.

  14. Did you see EDL’s Tommy Robinson on O’Reilly today? When EDL makes it there, you know the table is beginning to turn.

    • KG says:

      I didn’t see it, Conservative. I’m not a huge fan of O’Reilly, but I’m willing to bet it was a damn sight fairer than the treatment he gets from the BBC pondscum.

      • KG, I understand what you mean about O’Reilly, but it’s a big show and when Tommy Robinson made it there clearly means he’s getting traction which is a very good sign indeed.

        I don’t think O’Reilly was overly fair or even that knowledgeable about the problems in Britain but Robinson got coverage and that is fantastic.

  15. KG says:

    Agreed. Any publicity is better than the Memory Hole the MSM is so good at.

  16. Darin says:

    I saw it,thought Tommy did a good job of getting his point across.He hit the nail on the head when he said the British government is afraid of the muslims.

    I hope the Brits of old,the ones who had a fire in their belly that marched to victory come Hell or high water make a comeback.

  17. Oswald Bastable says:

    Time to start up the Ray Bradbury Fire Brigade! :mrgreen:

  18. KG says:

    :twisted: :twisted: Indeed!

    • Ronbo says:

      “Fahrenheit 451” – the temperature at which paper burns – in Ray Bradbury’s future world the firemen start fires that burn the books – a classic! :mrgreen:

  19. Seneca III says:

    KG, Backdoor Network breaking news (unconfirmed) that Plod has arrested a ‘member of the congregation’ on suspicion (?) of arson. Ironic, or what, but wonderful if correct and I wonder how the legacy media will handle that one having done their best to stick it on the EDL without a shred of evidence.

    • KG says:

      Woohoo! That’d make my day if true, Seneca. :grin:
      Here’s hoping, and I’ll keep an eye out for more clues. we don’t expect the MSM to make a big splash of it, do we?