Open house

coffeetrying to decide whether to have a sixth mug of coffee or a beer…..

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47 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:

    Good music to polish Brass too-

    Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez: Adagio

  2. KG says:

    ‘EDL fanatics gloat after Islamic centre is burned to the ground in suspected arson..’
    HUH? wtf……just who are the “fanatics” here??

    I don’t see the scumbag Brit press referring to the head hackers in those terms, yet people who simply want to preserve their own culture – by peaceful means if possible – are the “fanatics”!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Interesting tweet from Tommy Robinson embedded -without commentary – in that article. Seems the enemy has form executing false-flag fire bomb attacks in an attempt to stir up anti-patriot fervor.

      That said, wish someone would follow Sean Connery’s advice on dealing with scum: they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send one of theirs to the morgue.

    • Robertvdl says:

      Muslims say authorities are not doing enough to protect them against the wave of anti-Islamic attacks since Woolwich.

      Looks like false-flag

      • KG says:

        Sure does. And what muslims are calling for, in effect, is for the police to take their side.
        (I don’t know why they bother–the police already do that).

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Only in Texas would someone say this was ‘…the shot of the weekend’

    I probably couldn’t hold the damn rifle up long enough to hit anything at 100 yards

  4. KG says:

    :shock: seriously impressive!

  5. Darin says:

    I want an M107 sooo bad……all I need is $8500 :shock:

  6. KG says:

    Today I pulled the Winchester to bits (scope as well), cleaned it and re-blued the barrel.
    Put it back together and it’s still zeroed perfectly. :shock:

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!DSSZ?!!!* Such an enormous, enormous, immensely wonderful pleasure to be advised by Miss, Mrs, Ms, Mr, What-it-is, Knowitall MAWM re a “BBQ” in our 56-57th Steaks. Your mis-information [which U will deny ever saying 2moro] will be cherished for generations to come, many thanks! Now, !!!OMG!!!Heah she comes puhlease some brave soul in our sub-equatorial Steaks save Yours Verily Trulililular, HarvardPotatoHead, superior Intelligence Quotient and Harvard University Graduate having attended every siesta @ La Virgin Cantina & Grille held off campus near BlackBerry’s former Community Center. tata bro over and outski.

    *Did someone say zero? Yours very truly is feeling like a zero after embracing BlackBerry’s White House Ale & Beer for the previous 24 East Coast Daylight Standard Time and yvt’s telling you fellow citizens down there in the 56-57th Steaks that a humongous celebration is going on on Level 69 which is being revamped for the iman who is returning from a secret assignment from Allah travelling undercover dressed in the manner of a Saudi woman on a shopping trip to her Homeland, England. We have not been told the exact nature of his/her/its journey however it was in a jet airplane not a camel as is usually the case !!!HS!!!**

    **Holy Shit!!! must exit swiftly to my new digs below and to the left of the Israeli exit***

    ***which is currently being bricked in.

  8. Contempt says:

    @Harvard: Whatever. :shock: :roll: :shock: :!:

  9. Robertvdl says:

    You may know that so-called low-fat and fat-free diet foods are often packed with sugar, salt, and chemical-laden additives. But did you realize that your body digests these “healthy” alternatives in record time, leaving you hungry for more?


  10. Ciaron says:

    Did someone say beer?
    Our first homebrew effort is coming up a month in the bottle, gotta wait for two more before its at its best… Got a lager in the fermenter at the moment, going to have a go at cold crashing it while the weather is still brass monkeys!

    Back on topic: true facts about the Tarsier

    • KG says:


      Re the beer..”cold crashing” it???????
      What happened to just buying a case of beer–and drinking it?

      • Ciaron says:

        why buy new ammo when you can re-load your own?

        same principal…

        • KG says:

          Oh….fair enough.
          Except I always buy new ammo and throw the brass away. :lol:

          • Darin says:

            Speaking of homebrew,I was given a right proper Mason Jar of home made Apple Whiskey.Completely smooth and probably the best I’ve had in years

            What?Wait?Throw Brass away?Throw Brass away? :shock: You some kind of rich aristocrat or sumptin? :lol:

          • Ciaron says:

            got lost on an interesting time wasting exercise after someone mentioned the M1 on the winchester thread… could never figure out if they were talking about re-using fired casings or what

  11. mistress mara says:

    KG, hunting the tarsier might require something akin to the F.LLI PIOTTI, Double Rifle, Back Action SLE Express, 500 NE Rifle. A litte pricy perhaps, but take no chances, I say. Or take up golf ….. ;-)

  12. KG says:

    Off to hunt pigs in the morning. With a kangaroo shooter pro who has access to some interesting places. :smile:

  13. KG says:

    “What? Wait? Throw Brass away? Throw Brass away? :shock: You some kind of rich aristocrat or sumptin?”
    Far from it. But me and Gecko spend our lives travelling and I rarely have a workshop or even a bench. Carrying the reloading gear around just isn’t an option. :sad:

    • Darin says:

      Humm…..reloading for the couple on the go?Single station press,scale,reloading book and chronograph could be fit into a medium sized tackle box easy enough.

      • KG says:

        Brass tumbler, resizing stuff, case trimmer……powder, brass, projectiles…..
        And there’s only a Hilux to carry it, along with domestic stuff, computers and fishing gear.

  14. KG says:

    It’s not just space–on outback roads, weight matters, too.

  15. Ciaron says:

    I’ll be winding things up early today, gotta take the wee man to football (soccer) practice tonight….

    Y’all have a good weekend, y’hear?!

  16. KG says:

    Have a good one, Ciaron. Good to see you. :grin: